Overwatch contenders skin

I’ve watched 5+ hours of the Overwatch Contenders broadcasts and haven’t received tracers skin. I have everything linked and the connected diamond icon below the live stream. I have received the previous contenders skins without any problems, so i’m confused how this time it isn’t dropping…

I assume it could be a delay but I kind of doubt it.

(watched on YouTube)


I haven’t gotten it yet either. Should know more if people are reporting the same after today’s NA broadcast is over.

Got the Tracer skin before the games today (Australia Contenders) but after watching all the EU and NA games today, no wrecking ball.

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i watch all contenders stream, 15+ hour. Skin tracer and hammond not give me. i have all previous skins contenders

I am having the same issue here: watch all of the Europe matches on July 15th and all of the Korea matches on the 18th and I have not received anything.

Watched them on the Contenders website, logged in and had the connected green dot… but nothing.

I know my account is connected because I am getting OWL tokens…

I’m glad to see that I’m not the only person having this issue. I still haven’t gotten either the Tracer or the Wrecking Ball skins and I’ve watched every live stream that happened this week all the way through.

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Same here. I haven’t received either skin. Acct is linked. I am receiving OWL coins just fine but not these recent contenders skins.


I have similar problem, after 12 hours of watching at least. Watched on YT, and through OWC site - there’re no Tracer & no Hammond.

Well, after starting from the Korea matches, the EU matches and finally the US matches, I finally got Tracer and Wrecking Ball’s Contender skins… kind of a hurdle to go through.

I had submitted a Blizz CS ticket earlier in the week and unfortunately, they were not able to fully assist, they were able to tell me that my account was not “credited” watching the Contender matches from the website, so they recommend YouTube and to try again.

So, I did but before I did that, I unlinked and re-linked my account and that did the trick… still, I wish they could put the Contender matches on the OWL app, never have issues with it.

Still no tracer and ball skins after watching at least 20 hours combined while connected. Watched every broadcast on both youtube and the site, is this bugged?

Unfortunately I have yet to receive the Wrecking Ball skin.

I’ve tried watching on youtube with the connection diamond on and when that didn’t work I tried the OW contenders site with the green light on. Still nothing.

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