Overwatch Contenders / League 2023 Schedule - (Ended)

update: i got the drop

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Glad to hear system is working is intended

The full spring season calendar has not been updated on the Contenders website, there’s supposed to be collegiate matches this weekend.

Collegiate spray received (at last), and Reaper 1 skin too.
Next station: Lúcio 2.

Also made it to 95%. Oh well there is next day.

Got the Collegiate spray and 44% towards Reaper.

Got Collegiate Spray yesterday (even though I should’ve had it from the first time from YouTube) and just confirmed OW1 Contenders Reaper is now in my inventory in game.

Just need the Lucio OW2 Contenders and I’m 25% towards it!

What is really annoying is the drop campaigns say they start at 4 AM but the timer countdown prior to that still counts towards progress. I missed out on 30 mins Day 1 if the timer counts down from 30 mins to 4 AM and caught it this AM and snagged 20 minutes.

**Also STILL never got my CAH tokens (I estimate to be 35 OWL tokens)

Is there a way to get notified whenever the op gets edited? I’m not allowed to miss that OW2 D.Va Contenders Skin.

Yer I noticed today the countdown got included. Might be an idea to be ready 30 mins prior to start time from now on.
As for CAH tokens, we won’t ever see those, but it’s good we got the Collegiate spray in the end.

Even with countdown there hasn’t been enough time for anyone to have gotten the Lucio skin by my calculation. I need 75% more, or 3 more hours for it.

When are the next eligible matches/streams?

I was wondering the same, guess we’re find out here soon enough.

Now let’s wait for the next day with drops.

So if these start at 4am in the UK, that would be 11pm on the east coast of the USA right?

So the schedule for the Collegiate Championship Series matches this weekend and next weekend has been announced. Matches will start at 11am PT on 15 - 16 April and 22 - 23 April

I’m not sure if these Collegiate streams will count towards the Contenders rewards but I’m assuming yes? If not then the Contenders Spring Series streams for NA and EMEA start on 24 April

Let’s hope the Collegiate matches count towards the rewards. We’ll see this weekend


Let’s hope it counts.

Did you mean the Australia Contenders matches?, To clarify, whatever times you see listed in the OP post have been automagically adjusted to your time zone (unless you’re using a VPN or something). So whatever time you see listed is actual time the matches start at for you.

Cool, was waiting on the confirmation on the times, I’ve updated the OP.

The collegiate matches are supposed to be included. As it is, I think all live content on the Contenders twitch channel during the campaign times will count.

Well, historically the Collegiate matches didn’t count towards Contenders drops back when they streamed on YouTube if I recall correctly, plus the Contenders Drops campaign on Twitch lists it as for Spring Series and not Collegiate Championship Series but I’m being hopeful that the Collegiate Series falls under the Contenders Twitch Drops campaign seeing as they awarded the Collegiate spray as part of the Contenders Spring Series rewards.

Quite true! However this year’s promo is being billed as “Path to Pro” which encompasses both Collegiate and Contenders. The Collegiate Championship series is listed on the official rewards guide page, and the event was mentioned in the twitter post that announced that incentives were now live. We should be safe to watch and earn this weekend.

2023 Contenders Viewership Rewards Guide | Contenders (overwatchleague.com)

Overwatch Path to Pro on Twitter: “:loudspeaker: Overwatch Path to Pro Viewership Incentives are now live! #OWPTP2023 Learn More: https://t.co/bBPkoSnsmL https://t.co/yZIyC6vmop” / Twitter


I’m here only to thank the person that made and updated the first post, you are the real new support hero of season 4!

I have a question, so the old OW1 league and contenders skins you cant get anymore, not the team ones im talking about the OWL branded ones. Those are now gone right? Same with contenders?

Thanks for the thread! Finally they get rid of the god-awful Youtube drop.