Overwatch Characters That you would date, be friends with, and get married to?





Date: Mercy
Friend: Tracer
Marry: Echo


I’d really want to be friends with sigma or orisa, not sure which one but I like both of them.

Uhh… Maybe I’d date genji?
I don’t think I’d marry anyone lol


date - ashe
friend - moira
marry - genji, maybe? or mercy

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Friends - pretty much all of them.
Date -Moira, Mei, Mercy, Brig, Zarya
Marry - same as date list, depending on how dating went, but like if dating goes super well, why wouldn’t you?

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Friend : Reinhardt no brainer. Probably be the best friend anyone can ever have.
Date : tracer
Marry : pharah

I like your list for the most part…but I have to question Moira XD Sure, she is probably very good at anything she does, but I think dating her would be…scary. She seems the type to be VERY condescending and practical…borderline boring. Idk about that one =X I am curious about your reasoning with that one lol

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I dated someone like her when I was younger. Intense about their research, crazy bright.

It was always interesting, that is for sure! I still miss them, so yeah, would date someone like Moira again.

She was many things, boring sure as hell wasn’t on the list :slight_smile:

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Fair enough lol

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My official iFunny username is IWannaDateBrig so…


Date - Amelie
Friend - Reinhardt
Marry - Amelie

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Date - Mcree (I like the voice and the hat and I’m just a sucker for the westerns)
Friend - Reinhardt (He would be a good drinky buddy)
Marry - Orisa (I would ride her to the shops. Giddy-up!)

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friend would be bastion. beep boop.
Date, probably bap. he seems chill.
marry? no one.

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All of them: Widow. For every reason.


Date - Mei
Friend - Brig, Bapt
Marry - Mei



Date - Widowmaker ( might die, be worth it tho )
Friend - tracer or lucio
Marry - Mercy … so obvious

reasons - because it will never happen sigh

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date lucio

friend brig

marry mccree/Moira/young genji/mercy

They’re all so attractive

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-Girl version-
Date: Brig
Be friends: Sombra
Marry: Mei or Moira.

Ultimately the only girl I’d switch sides for really is brig do you hear me?!

-Boy version-
Date: Baptiste or Mccree
Be friends: lucio or junkrat
Marry: Reinhardt

-Non-human version-

(This feels wrong…)

Date: Bastion
Be friends: Orisa, Winston, and Hammond
Marry: Zen


Friend -

Moira (I feel like she’d be very funny person to hang out with.)
D.Va (Play games together etc.)
Hanzo (I think he’s be very chill.)
Sombra (Good company, could always use a hacker as a friend.)

Date -

Baptiste (I just find he’d be a good person to date. People say his voice lines are bad but I disagree. Also he’s built.)
Hanzo (Same reasons as friend, chill. Also he’s built.)

Marry -

Reinhardt (Big, cuddly, muscular teddy bear.)
Hanzo (You get the point, I assume.)
Baptiste (Same as date.)

I would add a Symmetra as a friend, but she’s iconic in my eyes and I headcannon her being famous.

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Date : can we count casual “dating” ? If so Ashe, Mercy, Brigitte, Hana Song, Mei, Moira, Pharrah, Symmetra, Sombra, Tracer and Zarya. Add Sojourn too. ^^ In love with all human women

Friends : Bob, Tracer, Orisa, Hana Song, Bastion, Reinhardt, Hammond, Moira, Echo, Mei,Hana, Junk and Roadhog (together or just Roadhog cause Junk is not a very stable person especialy alone ^^), McCree

Marry : Mei. No contest.

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