Overwatch Blizzard/Developer Post Directory - Last Updated: 9/12/2019

This is an excerpt screenshot from the advertisement e-mail my friends and I received from Blizzard regarding the All-Star skins 2019. It is in German, suited to our native language. The first text part is the important one.
Translation: With the only for limited time available legendary skins for Mercy and Lucio you can be an All-Star legend just like the professionals. They are available in-game until August 27th for 200 league tokens.

You can double-check the translation yourself if you distrust me.

Since this is an official e-mail from your company, we relied on that information and should not be in need to check this information through other sources, not to mention that different information from same official sources create confusion. Simply telling us that the e-mail was inaccurate without any further action is not an appropriate way to deal with a mistake that your company made and put customers in disadvantage.

Some people in my friendlist do not have the skins now because they were taking their time, courtesy to that “inaccurate” e-mail of yours. The flawed information also reached fellow players who are not receiving any ad mails from Blizzard.
We all feel deceived by that action of your marketing.

Thank you for providing the screenshot, I will see if I can bring attention to it, but remember I am just a player just trying to do what I can to help the community. (As a forum MVP I do not represent Blizzard.) Realistically, it is extremely likely nothing will be done about this situation. I looked up last year and August 26th was the All-Star game for 2018 (with Monday the 27th being the deadline for the 2018 skins). Chances are they recycled the e-mail message and forgot to change the date for the German Translation. I received the same e-mail in English and the date is accurate for this promotion May 22nd.


Thank you for taking note of our issue.

I am sorry if I sounded harsh in my prior message. Know that your work in the forums is highly appreciated! You have been active in highly sensitive topics that the officials seem to avoid or delay, trying to be the link between community and game that we are wishing for.

Transparency and costumer relationship management are still essential issues Blizzard handles in a way that the community would call questionable. We are all hoping for quick improvement that impact community management as well as the OW experience as a whole.

Your work here is a great contribution, even though it is not enough… But that is not your fault nor your responsibility. In the end, it is for the Blizzard officials to work on that.

So again, thank you!

I did get some information on this. Apparently, in various languages a small portion of the community did get the incorrect date, but later received a second e-mail with the correct date.

Thank you for double-checking but neither me nor one of my friends (all German) has received a corrected e-mail… Otherwise I would not complain about this issue.

A new post from Bill Warnecke on Reddit gives a little insight to the launch of Overwatch…


Lit, can’t wait for these changes

In case you all have been under a rock, we have a HUGE lore drop today for Baptiste from creative writer Alyssa Wong. It’s really worth the read as it starts to push the story a bit forward.

SHORT STORY - Baptiste | What You Left Behind

I’d be willing to bet a new gameplay challenge week is upon us to go after a new skin too!

You may also update the Competitive Deathmatch section, as Jeff confirmed the return of it with the next patch.

Is there any confirmation on when Competitive Deathmatch ends??
Thank you1

Apologies for not answering this sooner, I don’t have confirmation but I do believe the Deathmatch FFA Competitive Season will end on July 8th at 5:00 PM PDT.


Have you heard anything about demon hunter Sombra?

Afraid not… trust me, if I get word, I will share.

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Thank you!! <3 :heart:

Wyoming? Are the devs aware yet that the so-called OCE ping issue isn’t actually an OCE thing at all but rather originates somewhere east of California here in the states? As best as I can narrow it down the issue seems to originate somewhere in Nevada based on which of my friends this happens to and which do not.

You may be thinking if a different issue. Some ISPs in the US are acting up if they use Level3 as their backbone.

You may be right.

The issue I am speaking about is the one where grouping causes random group members to not get added to match and instead get their chat window receiving a message Failed to connect to server. in yellow text whereupon the group members inside the game see a message that the person left the match.

This bug has been happening for the last few days but only when grouping with people who live in California, OCE, etc.

Torbjorn is listening to Destiny’s Child in his headphones and other tidbits. Someone asked in the story discussion forums and this was posted as an answer.

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