Overwatch, Balance Survey

Yeah, I excpexted that too. Personally, I answered balanced- because that’s what she is.

I can’t give an opinion on how she is in the PTR as I am unable to play it, but many people are saying that she’s able to go into Valkyrie nearly every team fight, which is great because Valkyrie is not so strong that it would be oppressive, but weak enough that it would allow her to always be in it, practically.

Was that the beginning of the poll? It was like 55% saying she is either overtuned or overpowered, with 45% saying she is balanced, as far as I remember, but I have seen the results at a later point than you I guess.

21,8% say she is overpowered, there is a group which still believe that, to make the Genji comparison again because he has almost the same numbers, the group saying he is overpowered is a bit less than on Brigitte, with most 32,4% thinking he is overtuned. But yes, most are voting for balanced, with 51+ to both of them.

i dont remember, at the beginning it was like 50% overpowered XD

Junkrat has been the most interesting result so far. Their doesn’t seem to be a clear or leaning consensus on his power level as it is pretty evenly split between underpowered and overtuned.

I was expecting him to be more towards overtuned or overpowered being that most players on the forums tend to seem be in lower ranks where he reigns well.

My take:


Everyone else

I do wonder if the majority of people who consider a hero balanced that are niche or not a popular are people who actually play those heroes. :thinking:


remember the week that Sombra had an even faster hack speed? that was cray cray; I think I got both of her sprays during that period.

The good news is that nearly 75% say that she’s balanced which is almost the same percentage that say Reinhardt is balanced.

Or people who aren’t even Mercy mains can tell how awful her current state is?

try to post this survey in other locations as well. these forums tend to have differing opinions to other parts of the Overwatch community. you want the overall opinion. you could even copy it and create separate polls for each community to see the differing opinions of each one.

Oh dang man, almost 1000 results. I really really hope the devs are watching this thread.


You guys can spread it too

I have nowhere else to spread it to

You can tell most of the active forum users are mercy mains because the results for ana are shocking

55.8% says shes balanced

Other 32% says that shes good due to external reasons , which is true since shes the only good main healer

I participated, can I get a sticker now pretty please.

The results seem to show that of those who participated the majority of the roaster is balanced.


True, but it really just reinforces what they already know, and the results are not out of this world really. It was nicely done though props to @MagytheMage

What I gain from the results:

  • Bastion needs a rework
  • DF is in need of some minor nerfs, but to his damage, not his mobility (I’m looking at you, Geoff)
  • Mercy is unimpactful and boring
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Nu pls

No moar identity stripped heroes

Just num buffs

E ability too