Overwatch, Balance Survey

No, I don’t think I am.

You could tell them how to spell fulfill in stead of just saying furfill. You didn’t have to put

at the end of your reply. Also, what’s up with the exclamation point? Are they like…far away where you have to yell to them so they can hear it?

You should also check your own grammar and spelling errors in your reply if you’re trying to give examples on how to properly write.


mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmkay then

Generally people saying sombra is op are looking at pro and organized play, where she is incredibly strong. Hack can dictate the flow of a teamfight very easily and emp is almost a total win button.

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I think it has something to do with Riptire. His grenades are actually really hard to hit, but Riptire’s charge rate and radius make up for it


Devs should review this

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junkrat is underpowered because he got the wrong nerfs, nerfing primary was the worst choice ever it made him a close ranged brawler when he isnt supposed to be played at close range. he is supposed to be played as a mid range area denial hero with the primary nerf he cant do that. the size needs to be changed to be .3

rip tire also needs to charge slower, thats what was wrong with him but they had to mess up his mines and primary fire


i would say he is on low level (bronze - mid gold) annoying as hell…
especially on Stuttgart map.

I’m actually a little surprised that there isn’t an “undertuned” option, for heroes who are less than optimal, for reasons generally beyond their control. Kind of similar to overtuned, but in the opposite direction of balance. (e.g. Ana in the last meta. She wasn’t super weak, but her alternatives were just a little bit better)

It’s a little too late to add it now since a bunch of people have already answered, but it’s something to keep in mind for future polls like these perhaps. I really do like this concept of seeing how the community finds the overall state of the game. The results were different than what I would have thought.

it would be “underpowered” in this case

i mean those are just capitals…

i thought actual typos… not just capitals thats meaningless but fine ill do it for your ocd

This poll is really insightful honestly

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The amount of people who said Rein is underpowered, what…??


i think its because of the amount of CC in the game and he cant counter it but i think hes fine

Idk they were just being unnecessarily rude, just ignore them

As of posting this. Votes toward Wrecking Ball being Balanced and under powered are equal. Very interesting stuff :thinking:

almost 150 votes :+1:

This is pretty insightful, albeit not perfect way to see how the community feels about all the characters. Also for that many heroes people to consider balanced is pretty good.

This is a pretty good method to gauge community opinions. Props! My one criticism (and I don’t know that you could control for this) is that a lot of people are going to conflate “annoying to play against” with “OP” or “overtuned.” The two measures really should be separate, but folks aren’t necessarily going to distinguish between them in their minds

I tried to not let the current Meta factor into my votes too much but it’s pretty hard tbh. Regardless, thanks for putting it together! Hope you get more responses!

FYI, an easier way of doing polls is using straw poll. It allows users to view results and prevents against multi voting

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