Overwatch 2 x World of Warcraft Collab

Yes, the useless “gameplay trailer” about the event, there’s no “gameplay” i was expecting at least an arcade event with collab but no we don’t have.

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Pun intended :smile:

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You know your game is in a terrible state when even a mobile chinese games company is more generous than Blizzard.


The best collab OW has ever gotten.

No Genji Illidan recolor… ts is so buns

When is the Ana mythic weapon skin coming out?

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I was so hyped for this but honestly they look so bad I had to come here and see folks opinion.

Why the hell did they make kinda Sylvannas CUTEy happy uwu >.<???
Shes supposed to look like that banshee scream frame from BFA.

Arthas looks dull and Thrall is just goofy. Honestly Magni is the best one and it’s literally just a reskin.

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Wow another lazy rehash of old events.

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Fortunately (unfortunately?) for me, I passed on several seasons so several of the modes will be new for me.

That said, it feels like anything not related to skins is on life support.

But at least some skins will go on sale for credits…hopefully. That’s what happened last year and they made it seem like it’d be a recurring thing.

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It is all part of the plan to get ppl to talk about the skins. You don’t have to look any further than the comments in here.


I mean if only skins exists then arguably that’s the only real topic.

Anything else would just be speculation, hopes, and criticism.

That said, I do hope they have more for us in the future. Hoping the 6v6 tests breath some more life in to this game.

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How do you even dare to ask so much money for skins to celebrate something?
This is a joke, Blizzard shame on you.

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thank you blizzard for the sly skin for widow , next we need whitemane or jaina for mercy , kal for lifeweaver and Alleria for ashe just make bob a void bob .

I just want my mo-…Lilith Moira back.

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The gameplay trailer shows Widowmaker with a bow. That would have been cool.

The skin in game is a rubbish rifle.

this is not a collab, this is a pricetag

There is nothing substantial to earn, you really can’t even give us a 1900 coins or those tickets you did during the winter wonderland to PICK 1 SKIN??? You would still be selling 3…

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What makes it even more funny to me is that when did they have time to put it on discount when it never released with the “full” price anyways? Something needs to be one price for a time before it goes on discount lmao, and they have been doing it since the beginning.


to add onto my idea,i feel like they shoulda made jaina mercy
and kal lifeweaver. Then made sombra ,or kirko valeeria sanguinar.
Then made ashe Alleria Windrunner n made bob a void lord bob
and then they coulda made reaper wrathion, made cassidy nathanos ETC

So here I was thinking (again) that I’d install the game and earn some stuff, maybe get back into it (sort of like the Diablo event from last year), and surprise surprise…you just want me to play my credit card…Clearly earning my way through a game is old thinking…OW1 thinking. As soon as I saw that price tag, I immediately stopped the download of this “sequel” lol. Such garbage.


I think OW2 will slowly become like HOTS… just a skin/battlepass simulator with recycled or no new content

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