Overwatch 2 x Avatar: The Last Airbender Collab

Overwatch 2 x Avatar: The Last Airbender Collab

Master the elements and bring balance to the battlefield with the Overwatch 2 x Avatar: The Last Airbender event!

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Venture players, if you don’t buy this skin, it will be the last skin venture will ever get.

Venture needs to look profitable on paper to get skins.

Pull out your wallets, even if the skin is bad.


No (Symmetra) Katara & Sokka = No buy

It’s been 100 years but finally a Venture skin.


I hate that your right…ugh…I have to buy this


Apparently katara is mei

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I actually think the venture skin looks fine story


you might wanna sit down for this


I looked at the picture and saw that it’s possible 8 overreacted. Still have to see in game though

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Oh i forgot, i mean Symmetra as Katara.

I think it looks fine in the in-game promo pic they put in this blog post. I like that momo’s in their backpack, too lol. I might even want it as a toph enjoyer.

I know I said I wanted a Kiri skin this season, but im not sure I want to get this Suki one. Theres absolutely nothing wrong with the collab skin, but theres also the Psylocke skin on Marvel Rivals which I’ve really taken to her. I could buy both, but I aint dropping 40 for this.

I’ll think about it some more.

No Sokka? That’s a shame.


Excited for this collaboration!

Please can we get Dragon Ball next?!



6 skins?

This bundles going to be like £60 :face_with_spiral_eyes:

Although a katara mei could probably pass as an epic tbh.

Oh neat. They did add a Katara skin for Mei. It’s thematically a good pick for her.
It being a challenge skin is neat too as it’s probably the only one in this pack that I like. I’ll probably go for that at least.


Katara Mei is apparently a freebie, so that tracks :clown_face:

Harness the elements and fight like Team Avatar by completing event challenges to immerse yourself in bending mastery and unlock Mei as Katara.

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It’s a challenge reward skin so it’s definitely epic.

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Too many anime collabs, y’all.


Venture players pls dont buy the skin , we need to deuglify toph