Overwatch 2 Tier list/hero ranking

At this point I have now climbed from Gold 1 to Masters 5, because of this, as I usually do, I’m creating a non-proplay hero tier list.


  • Genji
  • Zarya

As literally everyone already knows, Genji is very VERY good right now. With less CC there is less abilities that can punish him well. A removal of one enemy also helps him due to the enemy team having less room to play beam heroes. His ultimate synergizes well with Ana, Lucio, and Zarya. Though Zarya counters him fairly well due to her beam, it’s not enough to move him down. Zarya, maybe a bit unconventional, it also extremely powerful. Though her damage is high, what really makes her exceptional is her new bubbles. They last ages. I think, as people get more used to the bubble duration, Zarya will become less powerful, but right now she is very good.


  • Brig
  • Lucio
  • Sojourn
  • Sombra
  • D.va
  • Junker Queen

Junker Queen is being bolstered almost entirely by her synergy with Brig/Lucio. JQ slam is extremely good for running down enemies and has a high synergy between supports and tanks. Brig, though a lot of people consider her to be pretty okay/meh/mid right now, is actually quite good. Brig is hard to pull off from a playstyle perspective due to her unorthodox nature. Players tend to struggle with her due to her playstyle as a squishy melee hero. Her synergy with Lucio is a large part of what makes her strong, as well as her ability to peel for her healer. In a meta with lots of flankers, Brig is strong. D.va boarders S+ teir, but Zarya counters her extremely well. D.va is a great option against Ana and other heroes with high priority abilities, but due to the meta being highly focused around abilities that cannot be DM’d, she doesn’t sneak into the highest tier. Sombra is good, we all know this. Ult combo’s with D.va are game changing, and she’s fantastic for picking off defenseless squishies such as Zenyatta, mercy, Widowmaker, ETC.


  • Ana
  • Ashe
  • Cassidy
  • Orisa
  • 76
  • Tracer
  • Winston

Ana is very VERY good with Genji, but struggles against dive and other flankers. Paired with a brig and dps who manage to look backwards every once in a while, she might be able to sqeeze into S if it weren’t for D.va nullifying everything she does. Ashe is strong, not much else to say. B.O.B. is extremely good. Cass is a good answer to flankers and high mobility targets, his ultimate is also much stronger with less CC around. Orisa is a great option for tanks when the enemy team isn’t paying much attention to the backline, however if you ignore her she can’t really do anything. Orisa has no way to defend her team, but is nearly unkillable. Not much to say about 76. Tracer is good if you can play her well and does much better in low CC envoirments. Winston is a strong dive tank but struggles against JQ and many of the current meta DPS heroes.


  • Baptiste
  • Echo
  • Hanzo
  • Moira
  • Pharah
  • Reaper
  • Reinhardt
  • Roadhog
  • Widowmaker (higher or lower depending on enemy tanks, really)
  • Zenyatta

Nothing particularly notable here. Average heroes.


  • Hammond (Very good in higher elo games with dive but very hard to pull off well)
  • Junkrat
  • Mei (hesitant, could be B)
  • Mercy

Hammond can be REALLY good at breaking apart immobile comps and giving hitscans good shots, but he’s also very hard to pull off and requires a lot of communication. He’s strong with dive but leaves the backline vulnerable. I’d avoid playing him unless you’re exceptionally good with him. Junkrat is still good on maps with tight chokes, but without 2cp he struggles. Riptire is still amazing, but otherwise he’s nothing special. Hugely countered by Zar. Mei is… okay I guess? She’s really good at dealing with singular frontline tanks, like Orisa, but otherwise is mostly not notable. Her damage is quite bad and without freeze she doesn’t provide a ton to a team. Smart teams destroy her walls before they’re useful. Mercy is actually pretty good IF you’re good with her movement. That being said, she’s squishy in a meta with flankers. If you’re good at staying alive she can be a massive time waster, but she doesn’t do very much exceptionally well otherwise.


  • Doomfist

Doomfist is bad. He doesn’t provide very much that other tanks can’t already do, and much of his playerbase still plays him like a DPS hero. He’s not entirely awful, still very good for dealing with enemies who use channels (he’s great for countering hog’s vape, but not particularly better at it than Ana). As time progresses people will improve with him, but right now… eh.


  • Symmetra

Don’t play this hero, I’ve given it my best shot to try to make her work and she just doesn’t. Sym is still good for the first third of an eighth of all maps, but not any better than any other DPS hero. If you REALLY want to play her, only use her for Lijiang, Eichenwalde, King’s row, and midtown 1st point/certain points. If you have a team that will use teleporter she’s about average, but provides almost nothing in a fight. Her damage is the lowest of any DPS hero and she’s exclusively good for teleporter. TP bombing may still be good for low elo games, but I’m not sure. I’ve only been able to get to gold 2 with her and I’ve stagnated at a 50% winrate after about ~35 games (no longer going up in elo either). This is coming from someone who was previously Masters with her. Had no issues getting to Diamond on DPS playing Ashe, still going up.

Just avoid her.

Situationally S

  • Bastion
  • Torb
  • Sigma

Bastion completely hardcounters Mei, shields, and comps that can’t hurt him from far away. He is also exceptional with a mercy-Ashe rotation comp. Torb is amazing for countering Sombra and other flankers. Sigma is… well I’m not too sure. I’ve only seen him absolutely dominate or fall over like a waffle. I don’t know what makes him work, but I do know that he’s situational.

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You have climbed because you are a Master+ player playing against golds…No tier list is needed here really…

Yes, I am aware.

This has given me experience in a wide range of elo’s where I have gotten a general idea of what is strong, weak, ETC over a wide sample of players and skill levels.

It’s worth mentioning, I was only in gold for 7 games. My first rank-up put me at plat 2. Still though, I have a generally idea of what’s good in those elos.

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Junker Queen A tier and Bap in B? I don’t know about that…

Edit: S tier*…like she’s defnitely not S tier. I’d say B+ maybe.

Pretty decent list I would swap reaper with mei I dont have enough info on junker queen but she might be lower

A little off topic, but its nice to see that the system will give players a big boost when deserved. I hope this doesn’t change as you play more games. Allowing rank to be more fluid will make it less of a painful grind. If you stagnate around a certain range then you probably belong in the middle.

Its nice that you were able to play in a variety of elos to make this tier list since hero strengths can differ between ranks.

Mostly due to her incredibly synergy with current strong supports.

Good at contesting highgrounds, lots of damage, and a good answer for DPS ultimates if you don’t want to play Zen/Lucio.

The only reason I really didn’t came down to their ultimates. When I was playing my gold games I saw reapers get 3-4 man ults a few times. Without CC, his ultimate is reaaaally good. Meanwhile, I think I maybe saw Mei ultimate freeze someone… once?

Absolutely. I was worried I was going to have to play over 100 games just to get back to where I was last time I played. I would’ve needed 98 wins ATLEAST if you only went up in increments of 1.

Yeah but the higher you get the worse it becomes out of every character in the game I dont think any of them fall off harder than reaper as players get better hes a noob stomper and has been solidly f tier for 5+ years in ow1

Bro, I was in a competitive match today where Doomfist rocked the other team. He really pressured the back line while our DPS kept the heat on so that the enemy team couldn’t move forward with out losing people so their only option was to fall back but with Doom chasing he’d always kill 1 or 2 forcing a reset. Rinse and repeat for the duration of that match.

Symmetra is now a hyper aggressive character. She wants to be in people’s faces dancing around cover while beaming people and tricking them into turret paths and porting away. She crushes at push maps where there are a lot of blind corners and can often bring a team back from a potential reset because the enemy team gets over zealous and over extends which lets her gets a kill or two because the DPS out run their healers.

I don’t know how much I agree with this list but Doomfist and Symmetra deserve a much higher ranking than what they got here.

Yeah that was probably my biggest complaint about OW1 comp. You needed to play sooo many games to get anywhere.

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