Overwatch 2 - still no news?

I said “everything that’s necessary”. Things like tidbits of lore aren’t necessary for them to announce before the game. It also doesn’t help that it would spoil a great deal since prior to that there isn’t any playable lore to work with.

Additionally, this:

Is what has been released to us all at once at Blizzcon. Thus, like I said, the problem was that they didn’t drip-feed all this content.

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I would be okey with OW 2 launching even later if only they would just release at least one new support and one new tank… They could easily do it but ofc they have to hold back content so OW 2 will hit harder…

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Reeeaallyy!!? Maybe I have missed something then. Pray tell, what are the exact details that they have released?

What specific abilities will, say, Bastion get? What is the nature of the new maps of which we (or at least I), only know the names? (InB4: Yes, I have seen the single, one, mission video. Anything other than that?)

What specific direction will the lore take, apart from “Oops, Omnics are at it again! I hope you’ll all enjoy the show!”? Where do they come from? Who is producing them? What do they want? Who is behind them?

What new heroes will we get? what are their abilities? skins? lore? anything?

IOW: all we got is: “there will be new heroes, new maps, ability upgrade trees, graphics updates and a focus on PvE”. And you’re satisfied with that?!?

Yeah, you did…

Let me go through your list then:

This is equivalent of new modes and maps, I’m assuming? In any case, that was already teased at Blizzcon with the new mode: Push, the Story mode and the Missions mode. Furthermore, maps for both PvE and PvP have been confirmed. From what was teased in the trailer, Blizz is also modifying already existing maps for these respective gamemodes (besides Push).

Abilities for Tracer, Mei, Lúcio and Rein were all showcased in the demo. We have a good idea of what they are. Furthermore, other hero abilities for Mei, Genji and Torb were also showcased separately.

From what has been teased, it can also be inferred that Talents can vary; from just number tweaks to full-on reworked abilities.

Hmm? We got to view an entire new story mission that was also not finished yet.

All we know is the general plot which is fine. Giving us more info on the lore is not a necessary part of announcing a sequel. I, for one, would rather wait and then play the lore myself rather than getting told it.

You can’t expect them to tell you everything about the talent system during development. :roll_eyes:

For now, we know a lot of talents which heroes are going to get for OW2. That’s fine. I never expected them to just tell us all of em.

Your expectations are just too high…

What does this even mean?

An entire story mission being used as a preview of OW2 is a lot of gameplay. I don’t understand why you expect them to just give us another mission preview. Besides, once again, this game is still in development. They probably don’t have a mission that’s different enough from the Rio one to tease to us yet.

except the whole plot of Overwatch is to fight against robot terrorist. Why are you upset at that general plot summary if that’s what Overwatch has always been about? At least, we know for a fact that Talon, Null Sector and the Kwishin Omnics are all going to be enemies in the story and we’re definitely going to be seeing a wide variety of enemies to fight.

It’s also confirmed that there’s an end game and multiple boss battles. The devs themselves have said that the PvE is going to be similar to that of WoW’s World Quests. (Whatever that means. I don’t play WoW)

Something they definitely don’t need to tell us lmfao. That and we already definitely know that Sojourn is a hero.

If they tell us the heroes before they release it, it won’t be as impactful on release. It’s much better to just let the community theorycraft and make guesses.



I just realised that this:

Has already been answered prior to Overwatch 2 lol.

  1. They come from Omniums.
  2. They produce themselves lol.
  3. They want to blow up the world. I mean, just think to yourself what terrorists want. World destruction basically. The original cause for this was inequality and suppression by their human creators.

The one who made Echo.

Dr Liao would be proud!


It would be interesting e.g. to know how much missions in PvE we will get, if it will be solo playable (e.g. with bots) or not etc.

Today is gonna be stacked dud just u wait. There’s an unlisted animated short in the ow YouTube, blizz is releasing content today, and there was a pre-downloaded patch on ptr. I don’t know what it is but I’m hella excited.

Was this said somewhere?

Knowing that there would be zero information as to a release date until it is closer, what other information is there to share? We know how the campaign plays, and they are not going spoil the story so what is there to share?

Thanks for taking the time to write a detailed reply - it did contain details I wasn’t aware of.

Given the nature of this thread I don’t think I’m the only one expecting more.

Again, I point you to the WOW Shadowlands expansion previews, where Blizzard is doing all the things you keep insisting we can’t reasonably expect from the Overwatch team.

This is what the download is for.

Look on the ow2 reddit

Well I mean cmon dud blizz doesn’t give out all their info silly billy. Remember when they told us they were pre downloading role q. Yep exactly

I agree that the hype is way higher on WoW Shadowlands because of that but I think the problem is that all these reveal will come, just later.

You are comparing OW with WoW: why not but the situation is very different. WoW was announced with a pre-order, an approximate launch date and most of the things were done: it needed to upgrade some ideas and to finalize many visuals but the game was near the end of its development. Hence the Alpha and the many information about it.

For Overwatch 2 ? Even the devs didn’t know the approximate release date, or the price, or whether talents would be available in story missions. They also showed us a talent tree and added it was only one of the three things they have and showed us the visual of 4 maps even though they said every mode, including push, would receive several maps.

What can we conclude of all of this ? The game is a lot further to its release or at least it’s advancing well but they cannot tell when all will be good together (partly because with WoW they know how much time they spend working on an expansion while here they are working on a new game).

I really don’t think they chose not to tell a lot compared to WoW, I think they just cannot tell many things (or at least could, i’m expecting some news quite soon) because they have no fixed ideas and the reveals will start closer to the release, building the hype few mounths before the release and not risking to start teasing some things a year and half too early.

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Next update will probably be the Shimada bros buffs, echo nerf, and the OWL Zarya skin

This game will die if we get no new info on Ow2 till 2021

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Hmm looks like some people think that there’s going to be news to Overwatch 2 at IGN Expo #4.

I don’t know what I am supposed to think of that.

On one hand Blizzard does not need IGN or something to showcase their games.

On the other hand Blizzcon got cancelled, and maybe IGN and Blizzard made a “Deal”. Like “Give us 10/10 and we showcase Overwatch 2 on IGN” or something. But I don’t think Blizzard whould do that.

I don’t think it’s that dubious. I think they just want ow2 to be related to ps4 and Xbox “whatever the new one is”

Well… Looks Like nothing. We were wrong.

Well have fun with a few more dry months until the summer games come along with a few skins and a recycled game mode.

Then wait a few dry months until the halloween event comes.

And again
And again


Let’s just hope the content drought will be worth it in the end. The longer we wait, the more time blizzard have to make overwatch 2 better

Yeah. Blizz is supposed to be at this event but it’s probably later this month