Overwatch 2 stats are just completely inaccurate

I think I first logged in with 165 games already played on my account, it seems like I am on someone else’s stats.

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Bumping up this thread again.

Good news: Aaron Keller officially acknowledged the career profile bug in a recent twitter reply, saying that they’re hoping to have a fix in for this in the mid season release in early September.

Link here: https://twitter.com/ControlWolf/status/1691708127794938191

Link to the competitive bugs megathread for anyone experiencing issues with their competitive career profiles as well: The Competitive Bugs Megathread

Game director Aaron Keller made a tweet yesterday acknowledging the much anticipated competitive career profiles bug fixes in which he says that the fix caused some additional issues and won’t be implemented until Season 8 at the earliest. Let’s hope this second prediction ends up being more accurate than the first.

Tweet here for those who want to read it: https://twitter.com/Azdyph/status/1713404409609101811

Link to the competitive bugs megathread here for those who are experiencing issues with competitive: The Competitive Bugs Megathread

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