Overwatch 2 stats are just completely inaccurate

I’m on ps5 as well, I had around 500 total hours in the game but it originally was at 394 now it’s at 377 every time I play junkerqueen it doesn’t track and seems to get rid of hours on other hero’s, but when I play sigma or roadhog my mains the game takes away time from junkerqueen I used to have 97 hours on hog and 74 on sigma now I have 59 on hog and 17 on sigma… so hopefully it gets fixed soon… it makes playing the game feel pointless if you don’t know how much time you’re putting in, same with comp all prior seasons are gone and the stats don’t track correctly either, honestly nothing about my career profile is correct

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So I play on PS5 and my stats are on zero since ow2 my play time on ranked is not even there but I have played for several hours since ow2 and also my hero Play time is not showing up but I have Played for many hours….I just want my stats back pls fix this


Is there going to be a fix for this soon Blizzard? :sob:


The lack of response or acknowledgement of these stat bugs is very frustrating


I’m a playstation 4 player and my stats were not updating but I downloaded overwatch on pc and tried it there and they worked fine. I then hopped back on playstation 4 and it updated but still doesn’t update until I play on pc. I don’t know what to do.


True I was worried I was the only one with incorrect stats till I checked these forums. No big YouTubers or twitch streamers mentioned it. I don’t want ppl looking at my profile an getting mad that I’m not playing a certain hero like the incorrect info provided to them from my stats says.

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No update or acknowledgement from the devs on this its been happening for a while now first we cant play our heroes then they fix that and our stats go to **** what the hell blizzard.

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Same problem my top played used to be lucio genji and ana if im not mistaken and now its rein mercy brig or something like that and its always randomly changing this game is a mess right now .

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Yeah i’m having the same problem and it’s starting to get really annoying you guys aren’t looking into this. This has been like this ever since your OW2 game came out. I’m a person where i like looking at my stats and i can’t do that with this at all. One day i’ll have 20 hours in ranked the next 0. Please just look into this blizzard it would very much be appreciated.


There are almost a dozen heroes I have a win rate of OVER 100% because I somehow have NEGATIVE losses… I normally wouldn’t complain over such a bug but I put in way too much time into this game to have stats like these wiped and made incoherent.


I have more losses than I should, and my Junker Queen/Kiriko games aren’t even being updated lol

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on the top of the forum there is a message about the career profile issues guys. Check it out

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They finally addressed this, and it’s gonna take them WEEKS to fix, not to mention none of our hours played since the launch of OW2 will show up which is incredibly frustrating, as it would be nice to know how much OW2 I’ve played and how much of the new characters I’ve played. I guess I’m happy it’s getting sort of “fixed” though because I’ve lost over 1000 hours on my account. -.-
This has been an awful launch to say the very least.

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So i guess this also means everything after october 18th will be recorded in your career profile right when we will get our real career profiles back anytime soon

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Bruhh same, i just wanted to look at how many games i played so far and i’ve been playing every day for hours and it says 1 games played and 1 game won…
I also get placed in bronze 5 every damn time even tho i get 2 of these 7 win things every day like i barely lose… slowly loosing more interest.

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My stat such as hrs played are completely wrong and keep going down. When my accounts were merged it was accurate at around 200hrs played just under and now its down to about 67 hrs. Some modes its says i have played 154 games and somehow have over 200 wins. Plus all my heroes hrs are not accurate, had over 50 hrs on Hanzo and it says like 18 now…also says i have -17 loses right now. Really hope these issues can be fixed lol

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Exactly the same thing is happening with me, I’m a console player but i logged into my account on pc played a little and it tracked all my data yet when I play on my main platform ( Xbox ) it doesn’t record any of my statistics

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Check the post on top of this forum. They have finally gave us info a few days ago

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Pretty sure they’re trying to abolish stats and levels completely. Didn’t you guys notice that you can’t even see anybody’s level( including your own) unless you goto their career profile? Which are by default hidden. They really are completely changing the game.

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Dudes is the problem still up?

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