Overwatch 2 r/Games Reddit AMA - All Responses Here

They actually responded to my post about the experimental :sunglasses: lol

I can’t put it, I never owned one to begin with.

All the questions I asked at 10 pm complet ignored, it seems that they are top secret…

One of them was that when the support will have the improvements that they promised us, without comment…

Efi is ok, Orisa was referring to her in past tense all the time so a few of us thought something had happened or her but she’s alive, thank god. :partying_face:

they literally stated that this upcoming beta will be focused towards support oriented changes…

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Lower numbers mean better - think more akin to “1st place”

well depends on how you do it i guess…RL lower number is lower…

cant tell if this system is other way around or they misspoke (honestly not important…just unclear)

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Yeah and Im pretty sure in other games like LoL and Val and Apex it starts at Bronze 1, then you rank up to Bronze 2, and so on, which makes more sense to me personally then going backwards

Higher number = better to most people

Also gonna be so confusing when every other game does it one way and OW does it another

They did answer A question about her rework. Maybe not yours specifically, but it was addressed.

I believe it’s mimicing other existing ranking systems that do similar things. I’ve never played LoL myself but when described the ranking system they always talk about ranks like “Gold I” or “Silver V” etc. It is used to denote your ranking within that tier.

For example, on the top500 leaderboards, you wouldn’t say the bottom of the list is rank 1, working your way sequentially up to the top where the best player in the world is #500. Rank 1 would be the best.

Hopefully they do a better job copying it than Halo did when they put pretty much everyone at Diamond 1 (2nd highest rank).

is it me or did they finish early? ah well

Well based on how it was described, it sounds like it’s really just a semantic change over the current SR number. So I dont expect people to suddenly all be placed out of whack.

Same here, High five :rofl::sob:

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Well, at the moment all the changes are still for the tanks and dps… they always have the forgotten role support

They didn’t answer my questions in the previous and today’s AMA , LOL .

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How fun we get more PPL that didnt get the answer, high five.

I was asking about dr.lee in Ana story and if theres plans for her to become hero?

And that Zaphyrys Has a identity crisis coze hes Italian but looks like Polish Hussary so what plans they have with him?


Hey everyone, I have included the list of responses from today’s AMA in the starting post! I am off for noms so keep the conversation civil! Cheers! (^^)v



We all know you don’t eat, sleep, or poop.

What are you really up to? :face_with_raised_eyebrow: