Overwatch 2 Reveal Event Recap

  • Overwatch® will be replaced by Overwatch® 2 when Overwatch® 2 is launched. All Overwatch® elements will either be replaced by Overwatch® 2 equivalents, or shall cease to be accessible. Overwatch® in-game items from Overwatch® Legendary Edition, will be useable in Overwatch® 2

Source: Watchpoint Pack’s small print.

I don’t know if coins transfer over but I will personally be spending my coins before the transfer on anything I want before the switch unless further info is given from Blizzard on this before launch

They sure do have a bunch of good Lore Writers.

Sorry not going to watch it or support the game anymore. Not until someone stops practicing DIRTEE BIZNESS.

If I treated California almond orchards like that with my bee rental farm. I’d be out of work and nobody would rent honeybees from me for the orchards.

I want to support this company. But this really takes the cake for how you treat your fan base. A giant middle finger is what you gave everyone and NOBODY is happy.

Dump the mobile phone garbo.

If you want to Charge for a competitive play Pass. I am 100% okay by that.

If you want to ask money for each and every cosmetic. cool beans! Go for it!

but “this”, just no?’


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As I said often in the past, I’ll not touch PvP in Overwatch as long as Role Queue is a thing, and that have not changed. At least now I have confirmation that PvE updates will not happen until next year, so I can stop checking until then.

Don’t forget the maps. Besides the 3 heroes per year, we also used to get 2 maps per year as well. And now we are losing 5 maps with the removal of Assault, on top of all the missed maps from the old pipeline.

OW2 is a net negative in all aspects regarding adding content to the game. Honestly, if OW2 wasn’t a merge and simply released as a new game with a fresh base roster (obviously, including old favorites) of 20ish heroes, it would looks more like a new game instead of a single big patch.

Two relevant questions: 1) Is it possible to pay real money to advance the battle pass? and 2) how many Battle Passes will actually be there to be exploited by Blizzard?

Battle Pass is a retention tool. It’s goal is to force you to log in every so often to earn your rewards because if you don’t farm the BP to its final reward, you paid for less content than you received. “Pay to grind” is a monetization method I abhor and will never support. And if you can buy progress at all with real money, they have a very large incentive to make the grinding process gruesome to encourage you to spend the cash to skip it.

Too many unanswered questions to say anything positive about the BP monetization method, and lots of negative things to speak from history, both from what other developers did, and what was related TWO WEEK AGO all over the internet in Diablo Immortal.

That one I can answer. Lootbox content is generated when you earn them, not when you open them.

Any lootbox you currently own will only have OW1 stuff. The real question is if you will be able to open them after the swap to OW2, or if credits saved will have any value in OW2.

Dear Overwatch team. Can i just say that I love the Junker Queen? Odessa “Dez” Stone is my type of gal. I also have a question in response to my own previous statement. Can i marry her?

I wish there was a dislike button

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I am very happy about ow2

I can’t tell if this is sarcasm, but if it is, then that is very much true.

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We‘ve always believed that Overwatch, at its core, should be a living game. Overwatch stands for inclusivity, open-mindedness, and community. These pillars led to the change in our strategy to deliver new heroes, maps, and modes on a frequent basis because we believe this is what’s best for our players and our game.

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They said that they’re planning to let everyone who signs up for the beta in, they’re just gonna admit players in waves over the course of several days.

Right, but if you don’t pay you get essentially nothing for progression. No rewards for playing. You don’t even level up! I’d have way preferred to spend $60 on OW2 and it be a one time purchase. OW1 cost me $60 and it gave me, what, 6 years of entertainment? I’d gladly drop another $60 over having a stupid battle pass system. Instead with F2P you’re gonna have to pay far, far more than $60 if you want to enjoy the kinds of benefits you enjoyed before. $60 won’t even get you a year in the new system.

Of course if the player opens them the loot is the same as when they earned the loot boxes. That isn’t the concern. The concern is OW2 will not have lootboxes, nor any way to store old ones. Unless either the player opens them all now before the game client transitions over or blizzard codes in a way to have the rewards given out as if all the lootboxes were opened at once, then the player will lose all the accrued lootboxes, contents included, getting nothing for them.

I wouldn’t put it past blizzard at this point to just let that happen. Hundreds of lootboxes being sent to the void with nothing in return.

I saw the words in-game shop and now I have a really bad feeling about this. Along with buying a season pass every 2 months do we have to also buy the cool exclusive skins. I’m talking about the skins not included in the battle pass. The cool ones the devs put real time into. I’m hoping the currency can be earned in-game. I’m super worried after what happened in Diablo Immortal.

“Overwatch 2 will have seasonal updates on a regular cadence and a Battle Pass that will feature new content including new heroes, game modes, maps, cosmetics, and more!”

I’m hoping this is just poor phrasing or are the new heroes and modes/maps actually unlocked through the battle pass?

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No, they are telling you that it is included in each season.