Overwatch 2 Ready Check: Prepare for Launch!

Couple of things here … 1) The requirement for SMS verification is going to prevent a large amount of people from being able to play (kids who are too young to have phones of their own and also those who can not financially afford a phone - seems rather discriminatory to me and a case could easily be made by like… I dunno? The ACLU maybe…)

  1. The recording of all voice chat is going to push many people to not bother to use microphones for fear of a bad algorithm banning them and that is going to make the game badddddd… we all know how bad it is to be in a PUG with no one using mics…

These are both exceptionally bad calls for the new release…


“Don’t you guys have phones ?!”

This is still going strong as a meme since Diablo Immortal… You guys never change…


They are doing a Blackout Only for 24h in OW1 in October 2nd to prepare the launch of OW2

Wanna hear a joke? I have a phone, but because it’s a pre-paid line, I’m not allowed to use it.


ya well fix your phone issue first before forcing us to play OW2, bruh.

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New console players who want to try because it’s free: downloads “why does this want my phone number???” deletes

Sick move, Blizzard.


bruh legit though, like it won’t accept my phone number even though it’s a legit United States phone number and is payed like bruh.


SMS protect doesn’t accept prepaid phones.


Ya I think people get that by now bro. The problem is so many people will have our issue and Blizzard better fix it. No other game company I’ve seen does this crap (only accepts certain phones give me a break)

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when your bank accepts your phone number, but not a stupid video game, lmao


It’s a bad system. People should just be able to play a video game. Companies want to chase after the free-to-play model for the potential of infinite income and growth but aren’t willing to invest in anything other than half measures when it comes to protecting its players, even if it means cutting off a portion of the audience that is already contributing.


lol blizzard should realize that the players playing ow are gamers who enjoy the game and arent some 40+ working business doods to have a postpaid phone. most of us use prepaid and they should enable adding of prepaid number soon. only postpaid is bs and their userbase is ganna be pepega


I would add my name to any petition or class action suit that comes from this.


soon only blizzard developers ganna play ow2


A refund is legally acceptable for any and all Overwatch 1 purchases people made and and if they purchased the OW2 watchpoint pack as well. Why? well first you are shutting down OW1 when OW2 comes out, and OW1 wasn’t free let’s just say that much. And the BIGGEST issue is your phone verification problem. You will not allow players to play any of OW2 if their phone number (even if it is legit) is not valid to your standards. No other service or game company does this, usually there will always be a backup verification system in case one other doesn’t work.

So, like me I tried and tried again to enter my phone number, you won’t accept it (even though I literally use it for everything else and any other service) lmao. So if you shutdown OW1 (a game I own and bought years ago), then you lock me from playing OW2 (and I did pay for the watchpoint pack) just because I have a cricket phone or something (whatever the case may be) you have (and I can legally say this) robbed me of my money (the stuff I got in OW1 and the pack for OW2) and I’m not the only one with this same problem. You better shape up Blizzard.


The reason I kept buying skins was because they would carry over to OW2.
I never dreamed that I would not be allowed to play OW2 itself.


So, is a verified phone number on battle.net sufficient or do I still have to worry about pre-paid?

look bro if you already have a phone on your Blizzard account you are fine

it’s the rest of us “Poor” people appearently our phones aren’t good enough