This is the commando code that worked for me for the past 2 days: --tank_WorkerThreadCount 2 -thread 2
You just have to put in the battlenet launcher’s game configuration: settings->game setting->Additional command line arguments->tank_WorkerThreadCount 2 -thread 2 (you could also try to change the “thread 2” to the number of cores your cpu have, i for example have 4 cores, so i just putted “thread 4” and it works without any issues, if not just keep it at 2)
Well, there’s people with I5 and I7 with +4 cores having the exact same issue… so it isn’t only for i3 model or 2-core
use this all copy paste : --tank_WorkerThreadCount 2 -thread 2 -d3d11
my game was freezing everygame and after this codes never happened try and make sure dynamic render scale off and use low graphics
Sadly this did not fix the issue for me
This worked for me too!
So for me uninstalling Afterburner and Riva solved the problem so far. Played few hours last night and few hours today, not a single shutter. Hope it stays this way now.
Guys. Somebody try fully reinstall Windows OS and OW2?
I have pentium and in OW1 I NEVER had a problems like this, I could play a game on medium perfectly, but now in OW2 its crashing often. I read in this tread that this processors “please note these processors do not meet the requirements for Overwatch 2.” and LOOL what??? So I payed 40 or 60 $ just to rent a game for few years? It would be a huge dissapoint if they will not fix it (I saw here that they know about this issue and “working” on it but its since beta"" ← but in beta OW2 I didnt have crashes lol)
Not only pentiums are involved in this problem. All dual core processors like all below intel i3 9gen have this problem and most of then must meet the requirements. It’s not normal those processors can’t handle overwatch 2. I have a gtx 1050Ti with an i3 7gen and I can play fine even the new cod and btf 2042(all on low but I can play it) but overwatch 2 freezes for no reason. This make no sense
i have i7 and same thing game keep crashing
It’s not about which processors are experiencing the issue. If your processor doesn’t meet their requirements, any fix isn’t likely to make your situation better.
This doesn’t mean you can’t make it work on your own, but you’ll be limited by their patches, etc., that are designed for the hardware they agreed to support.
I also keep freezing mid game heres my dxdiag = ------------------System Information------------------ Time of this r -
“Intel® Core™ i3 o AMD Phenom™ X3 8650”
Is not about their requirements also, most of us meet the requirements and still have the same problem. Is a game problem with certain processor who most of then meet the requirements. Make no sense for a game of this kind have issues with < 2019 processors is not acceptable even when they are people who paid for the game
You’re responding to a comment about Pentium processors, not about the crashing issue with i3s. There’s a megathread concerning that issue, and the staff said they are looking into it.
Ohh, i thought you was replying to the guy with a i7
Tried everything in this thread and if anything my issues have gotten worse. They really need fix this. The game is borderline unplayable sometimes. I’ve been playing since the early days of OW1 and was fully dedicated to the battle pass but I’m not going to pay for something that freezes every 3rd game.
i3-6100 here. I have exactly the same issue: I can hear voice chat fine but the in-game sound keeps repeating itself while the video is stuck/frozen, and this happens randomly in matches (probably once every two games)
Can confirm this setting fixed the issue for me:>Settings->Game Settings->additional command line arguments
--tank_WorkerThreadCount 2 -thread 2 -d3d11
Changing “thread 2” to “thread 4” also works.
i3-6100, gtx 1060, 8GB RAM
This worked for me too! Thanks @bobmain
hi im a new player and new to this whole foruming thing so i apologize in advanced if i fail to better elaborate my problem in its entirety but rn im having a similar technical issue, from the very start of a match in-game frame rate drops to an insanely low count ( 5 - 10 sometimes managing to hold a playable framerate for a couple of seconds before tanking again to < 20 ), at some point its frozen on a single frame and then jumps to another. I turned on the in-game performance trackers and i noticed that both my latency and IND jump to 200 + ms. I have tried every possible solution listed here to no avail… i have an rx570 gpu with an r3 (4 core) cpu and 8 gigs (1x8 2666mhz) of ram and run more demanding games just fine so im pretty confused as to why its happening lol. Any possible solution for 4 core processors would be great! thanks in advance