Overwatch 2 PvP Beta: Week 2 Developer Blog

Fixing the support role to be fun and making sure the tank role is balanced out is more important than fixing 2 of the 17 dps heroes in the game. Regardless of whether or not those two have been neglected, they are not going to make or break the game in the way that having tank or support feel bad to play will.

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Guess you’ve missed the part where they’ve made adjustments to other dps heroes.

You quoted me, though, and then wrote that. Do you understand how that could be confusing? I know now that wasn’t meant for me since you explained it, but can you see it from my perspective in how that’s confusing in the moment when you quote me and then reply to someone else? Like, I appreciate you clarifying that now! I genuinely did not know you weren’t talking to me at first since you quoted me.

I will admit it’s redundant now that you have explained the context, but, again - in that moment, it wasn’t clear because the context wasn’t as clear and your posts felt like they were focusing on winrate. If you were agreeing, I didn’t pick up on that! If you said something along the lines of, “I am taking pickrate into consideration, too. All statistics have to be taken into consideration”, it would have made it undoubtedly clear.

don’t think you can claim that, though. They’re clear to you because you understand the context from the beginning - you are the author. But I am telling you as someone who is not on the defense or attack, as someone who is trying very hard to understand - it was not clear! And I don’t mean that to detract any value from your words, but it really wasn’t as clear. I wish it was - it would have spared us a lot of time lol.

I am trying to explain it. It’s just an odd choice of words to repeat in my opinion, because it would have been more productive and clearer to say “yes, I’m taking that into consideration. I’m taking all stats into consideration”.

A decrease in the duration of Ana’s Biotic Grenade netted a slight 2% decrease in her win rate; however, the increased Biotic Rifle uptime ensured her overall healing output on average remained unchanged. Even with the adjustments, Ana remains a popular pick, with her usage rate staying the same.

yes becasue ana’s problem has ever been her win rate or her healing output


If it is confusing you should ask to clarify instead of assuming something, we could’ve saved all this discussion if you had done that.

I believe the context was perfectly clear, if you weren’t sure you should’ve asked for clarification.

How so? My statement clearly reads: “No information should be ignored” and “Everything has meaning” What part of that makes you think that I am not including all information/everything?

Again I ask, what part of “No information should be ignored” and “Everything has meaning” is not clear?

Again, what part of “No information is to be ignored” and “Everything has meaning” makes you think that I’m not taking all stats in consideration. I don’t mean this in an offensive way but, is english not your first language? Because I could understand the situation if that is the case, if not then you are not making logical sense.

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I’m trying to meet in the middle and it’s awkward that it seems you’re pushing the blame on the misunderstanding on me. Do you think 100% of the blame is on me? This reads as, “It’s your fault for being confused by my confusing communication” and I hope that is not what you are trying to convey.

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Okay I’m super down with that Junkrat idea. IMO Overwatch 2 is supposed to be a sequel, not just a balance patch. Major, character defining differences SHOULD be present between the games across the entire cast, and that would be a great one for Junkrat.

If I can go off for a sec, personally I feel like everyone should be getting the Sombra treatment. Same character more or less, but some major overhauls to make them feel unique. We don’t need to go full Bastion or Orisa on everyone, but even the fact that some characters still don’t have a right click is crazy to me. Would it be busted in current OW/OW2 beta to give a bunch of already powerful characters new abilities? Absolutely. But this is a sequel, and these are the kind of changes I think Blizzard needs to look at to truly solidify the line between OW and OW2. We shouldn’t be asking Blizzard to be making OW1 again or leaving any characters as they are. EVERYONE should have SOMETHING new and exciting.

I’m sorry but there is no middle here, that’s the problem. You made a mistake and cannot bring yourself to admit it, that is not my problem.

It factually is, you are trying to justify something unjustifiable. You still haven’t explained how my statements aren’t clear, you are just trying to make it seem like they are not because again, you cannot bring yourself to admit you were wrong all along.

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While correlation might not always equal causation, we’re optimistic that support improvements had a lot to do with it.
if you seriosuly think nerfing lucio (he needed it mind you), buffing zen and “nerfing” (lul ignorable nerf might as well of not changed at all) ana somehow made ppl play support more
you drunk.

more likely more ppl just stopped playing beta for reasons. (not liking 5v5, not liking hero change, just wanted try it since literally u had a ton of ppl gettign the drops and then they quit as didnt enjoy it enough or just couldnt stand wait time anymore)
if it only took 1 sup buff to zen and nerf to lucio to fix issues
the issues wouldnt be there to begin with.

At these ranks, the increased pressure of a more skilled tank or damage player on the backlines has seemingly become too much for even high SR support players to handle effectively as compared with the live game. The most significant difference was at Grandmaster, where the support role saw an increase of 15% in frequency of deaths when compared to live.

to the ppl makign threads about “support are fine git gud” let these be stats from the ones with the data. supports are dying more the higher ur tier rate is at.

Heroes like LĂșcio and Moira are demonstrations of the effectiveness of mobility in Overwatch 2. We’ve seen early indicators of a playstyle shift in the support community to favoring mobility and a strong ability to either disengage completely or face down flankers one-on-one.

imagine that?

OW2 a more fast paced game with faster dps, that can quickly kill support
and players like mobile supports
shocking! (not shocking)

Lucio in particular was basically MADE for OW2.


“D.va dying, but maybe players are inexperienced with solo tanking”.
Unlike every other tank in the game, which players magically learned to play solo. Maybe they’re implying D.va players are just dumber/ slower learners than players that pick other tanks.

Also, big brains behind the obviously well though-out 5v5 changes certainly bothered to ponder for 3 seconds what eject and spending a portion of your playtime as baby d.va does to a team in a solo-tank environment. Because this was already a glaring issue in 6v6 and the reason she got her moronic big-burst instakill resummon.

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Okay. You know what, that’s all I needed. lol.

Not gonna continue further. You quoting me, responding to someone else, and holding that against me and telling me it’s my job to get clarity on your poor communication is weird. I came into this discussion with modesty and you came with ego, narcissism, and gaslighting.

Throwing you on ignore. Genuinely hope you learn how to talk to people because this whole exchange has been disgusting with how you’ve conducted yourself. You should be ashamed of how egotistical you are!


There is no poor communication on my side and the fact that you cannot address my questions proves it beyond any doubt. You cannot answer them because there is no answer, you are wrong and you know it.

No you didn’t, you made a mistake and your pride didn’t allow you to admit it so you went on to try to cover it somehow which failed miserably.

The only person here who has acted disgustingly is you by being prideful and immature. I hope that this is a lesson for you and it helps you grow as a person, because you are wrong and you know it.

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It’s not difficult to do, but it’s difficult to pull off consistently for people that don’t normally play Mercy. While I agree with the notion of allowing certain tech to be more accessible, I can certainly sympathize with players against lowering the skill floor for a hero they know and play regularly; they put in the time and effort to learn it, so I can see why they would want to hold onto that advantage.

This also opens up a can of worms for other heroes’ secret techs, namely Ball and Doomfist, though there are certainly others. Are their “special moves” going to be made more accessible to the rest of us as well?

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Well, to be fair D.Va’s the only tank who didn’t have a lot of changes. Most heroes either were already able to do their own thing or they were main tanks, and can be solo tanks now. D.Va is the hero who was always the off-tank with a supportive playstyle and didn’t have any significant changes.

So I think it could be a combination of the two, if that makes sense. I’m sure her being a solo tank and people don’t know how to make her work as one contributes to it. But I also think it might be worth examining what is happening with her and why - with even experienced D.Va players not being able to make her work.

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You have to be kidding ROFL. How far can someone stretch the limits of logic this far is beyond me. So if I say that ALL INFORMATION SHOULD BE CONSIDERED BECAUSE EVERYTHING IS MEANINGFUL, you will take from that that I’m excluding
 some information? LMAO this is hilarious. These forums never cease to amaze/entertain me.

Not what they said.

They’re directly mentioning that she has more average deaths than on live. The reason is the shift to 5v5. She’s an off tank and hasn’t been shifted enough balance wise to function yet as the sole tank on the field.
While it can be can potentially explained through player’s lack of solo tanking experience, it’s not at all the reason why she’s struggling.

If other tanks can be used effectively as a solo tank while Dva cannot, it is not the player that is causing the discrepancy.

I have talked about this before but as I have played Dva since launch, even I am at a bit of a loss for how she is best used in 5v5. They are referencing this no doubt as other people have experienced the same thing. You can’t play her well offensively or defensively so figuring out how to play her efficiently is a problem. Other tanks continue to play straight forward as they fundamentally dont change the way they must play beyond orisa.

Dva has never worked well when she’s the only tank left. You can play selfishly and that works great if you weave in some teammate saves (peeling) in between going for kills yourself. When you must protect your entire team, however, the resources you have for yourself become spread far too thin and you will be left prone to demeching. Having a main tank along side meant you never absolutely had to expend your resources protecting your team as they were the one mostly doing so, with a kit designed to do so.

3 second 10 meter DM and a mere 200 armor is very very hard to get value out of between the entire team and yourself. The other tanks are simply better, more reliable picks when you consider the risks Dva takes and the lack of reliable protection that is inherent in her kit as she was always intended to be an off tank.


Don’t quote somebody and then assume that they are a mind reader and that you aren’t referring to them.

EZPZ lemon squeezy.


Honestly, I appreciate you posting this. In a very non-dramatic way, I genuinely feel like I’m being gaslit by them in all of this. I started to question whether or not I’m actually entirely in the wrong and then I had someone read the conversation and sanity-check me. Seeing another sanity-check makes me feel like I’m not going mad.

I absolutely had some faults in the exchange but I refuse to hold 100% of the blame on that.


I do blame myself for thinking that people in here will act intelligently instead of making assumptions and then lying all the way.

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So the heroes the streamers and DPS legion don’t like? :joy::joy: