Overwatch 2 PvP Beta: Week 2 Developer Blog

I appreciate the open communication, but I have to say that it’s a disappointment that there’s no plans for Junk/Symmetra.

I also am a bit concerned with the suggested Moira nerfs. I really don’t think Moira’s output is actually better than other supports–she’s just better at surviving to give that output.

Also weirded out by the fact that they said “Tanks/supports are dying more” and then basically just ignored the tanks dying more thing entirely.


I think she’s gonna receive compensation nerfs but more utility. Which personally would be a nice change, as much as I love Moira as she is.

When they acknowledged that D.Va sucks :skull: :sob:


It’s not hard to do. At the point even gold SR Mercy mains are doing it in QP just make it an ability. It should have either been patched out or added to her kit years ago.

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It sounds like they’re looking to change supports for survivability which intern will make tanks more likely to survive.

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I don’t know if I’m alone here, but I kind of don’t want them to overhaul Moira. I feel like strong healing and consistent but low damage has been a fair tradeoff for no utility and she is already benefitting from the new 5v5 environment; I simply hope they keep her as a straightforward hero with the same core identity.


Just hoping… it’s not the fade utility they tried to give her so many times, it’s even more useless now lol.

Maybe they can allow orbs to go through mei wall again :sunglasses: So it’s not an instant bye bye to ur 1 tank.

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Wait… just saw it.

“We’re planning another balance patch this week”

Friday balance patch?

this is the best piece of writing/communication Blizzard has ever released

nothing has ever made me feel half as optimistic for the future as this has

well bloody done
it is noticed and appreciated


Hopefully a junkrat buff or change is in the consideration.

Honestly, trading trap for something is honestly the best thing.

Maybe give a made that does 80 on direct (No sticky business.) only so you need to land a shot before combing with a fast ball made. If you miss, then it just fizzles off or explode, doing 40 AOE in a small radius.

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“Instead, we’re exploring ways to better reward direct hits as a form of skill expression.”

Yes to this. It’s about time players skilled enough to be consistent with directs are actually rewarded for it.

Also can’t wait for the tears from players who can’t comprehend that it’s possible to successfully aim Junks nades. It’s going to be good.


Are the dev team looking into widow and genji? These two seem especially prevelant in the beta, and I’m surprised both Reaper and Tracer would get flanker nerfs, yet not Genji. Widow also feels very oppressive in OW2 and her HP buff needs to go.

I love these blogs. Thank you for sharing this!


I’d like to see her get something like a fade spear. Moira throws a fade spear passing through enemies allowing her targeted teammate to fade within 3secs. Activated by the interact ability, goes on cooldown if it misses.

Or something like a coalescence orb that moves slowly has decreased range but does both healing and damage.
I havent really thought to much about utility that they could give her, but I would like to see something added to her kit.

The “biotic Grasp” thing you guys be talking about better not be some damage nerf instead of reducing the width and increasing the damage lol


You have to aim on junk?!? News to me​:rofl::rofl:
Jkjk it would be nice to see a slight projectile speed buff

Or maybe they do and they just disagree with what you consider the problem to be

Prepare yourself.

175 health Genji

Where does it say that?

From the article it seems as if they’ve ruled out speed. Thank God. I don’t feel like relearning muscle memory again.

“We’ve considered increasing Frag Launcher’s projectile speed; however, we found that by doing so, we risked making his signature weapon feel like more of a rocket launcher. Instead, we’re exploring ways to better reward direct hits as a form of skill expression.”

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