Overwatch 2 PvP Beta: Week 2 Developer Blog

I do not understand the obsession that the devs have in wanting to turn Mercy more into garbage, is there a plot of OWL players who hate Mercy? devs do they hate her? this is not normal.


I don’t think they will actually do it. I mean, how would you trigger it?

people are jumping and making a lot of assumptions.

" Dumbing it down means removing all guardian angel nuance and control that made mercy fun to play in favour of making it a cd and “accessible”"

Is full of assumptions. It is assuming that they are going to remove the GA nuance and control, which they may not. It is assuming that they are going to make it a CD which CERTIANLY they will not do.

Like, if you are going to get angry at stuff which you are making up in your head, or someone else is making up in their head, then be upset that the devs hate her - when you are basic that off someones weird fantasy of what they may do, then that isn’t cool.

Go show me where they say “turn it into a cooldown, or remove the nuance or make it so you don’t have the same level of control”

If they put something in, it will likely be a “here is a way to trigger it in an easy way, BUT the old methods still work exactly the same as they did before”.

It would likely look something like holding R while doing a GA will set it to crouch, and do the jump at a reasonable time.

That’s it. The rest of the tech would remain. It is just so people who haven’t learnt to use it have an easier path into the world of superjumping.

I hope the OW community does not confuse stats to paint the full picture. The devs have always paid close attention to stats and I feel it has always resulted in mixed balance issues. OW2 beta is new and we should not compare it to OW1.

Here’s my take: of course supports are dying more frequently, but why is this a bad thing? OW1 is a lot slower paced, supports knew how to play around having a 2nd tank in their team, and it took more effort for the enemy to approach you. Now with faster movement and having no 2nd tank means battles are more aggressive. OW2 gave supports passive healing to sustain themselves in the absent of one tank. They have to play more defensively. The one thing people tend to forget is that all roles now have a greater chance to make plays compared to OW1 and this includes supports. You can make these 1v3 plays as supports and that’s really difficult in OW1 compared to OW2. I’m afraid catering to support stats will lead to another power creep. I personally see the support role fine the way they are right now. I think we just need to get used to a different play-style.

Because the support players are not queuing as much and saying this is the reason (1) they are giving that they are not doing so?

That would be a good reason to do something about it, or something else so they queue even though it is happening.

But it is a datapoint showing “they players feel like this is happening more, and the stats back them up”

Which helps in the “Supports are not queuing because it feels like this is happening more” conversation.

(1) I mean, why they don’t queue and why they say they don’t queue are not always going to be the same thing. But it is a good place to start looking.

Supports have always been low in queue and people find it boring to play supports now because of one tank. Why would someone play support if their tank plays poorly? OW2 highly prioritizes your tank’s survivability and in a lot of cases it would be at least one support’s job to pocket the tank constantly. I don’t think support changes would fix this issue. It’s a 5v5 problem and that won’t change in OW2.

Instead, we’re exploring ways to better reward direct hits as a form of skill expression.

They should just steal TF2’s mechanic already and have grenades lose the impact trigger after bouncing, and buff him elsewhere in exchange.

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They are not queuing at a rate which is unexpected even given the lower rate of them playing OW1.

And yes, Blizzard is worried about this, because the launch won’t work as it stands, because the flood of new players will be mostly DPS, and they will be queuing for a long long time - that is a problem they need to get a handle on before OW2 goes live.

So they will look at support changes to see if they can make it work better. They even mentioned that …

“Queue times across the board have improved significantly since last week’s patch. While correlation might not always equal causation, we’re optimistic that support improvements had a lot to do with it.”

So it looks to blizzard at least that the support changes in fact do make a difference there, and that the can at least in part fix the issue with support changes.

It is all in the article which Blizzard linked in the post.

Then Blizzard would have to change support heroes to be more effective, but it would be on the verge of another power creep. If they want OW2’s supports to be more appealing then they would have to balance change the entire hero roster. Which isn’t bad by itself but we have to ask ourselves as a community if that is something we want in OW2. We need to remember that even slight number changes have huge balance consequences in Overwatch.

Niandra made a good video regarding the Super Jump blurb here. Pretty much all the comments I read in its section opposed changing SJ. I’m going to copy-paste what I wrote in the comments, with slight edits:

The ONLY people who’d want this are Mercys who don’t know how to SJ, and maybe not even all of them. No Mercys who know how to SJ want it, and no tanks or dps want to deal with more SJing Mercys. (Those who are complaining in this thread that “your team’s mercy might not know the tech” are being irrational, I’ve never seen this happen - though that’s anecdotal of course)
This is such a bad take on Blizz’s behalf. It doesn’t fix anything of her kit that she needs. It may break current movement techs (which would be an absolute nightmare). If Super Jump were made an easy one-button press or something, you’d see tons of Mercys getting themselves killed by SJing randomly. I feel like those who actually have gone through the effort to learn the SJ tech also have a decent general concept of when not to use it. As others have said, Mercy does not need her skill floor lowered. Her movement is by far the best part of her kit, and even WITHOUT super jump, plenty of Mercys do just fine (at least in mid elos and such). I saw one suggestion that seems viable here: making it so using crouch during GA at any point will make SJ happen, instead of making it about very exact timing. That is the only way I can see this being dumbed down without being too bad, and also not destroying other flight techs.
We need to NOT LESSEN the disparity between good Mercys and bad Mercys, we already have that stigma and it can be valid that it is hard to climb as Mercy no matter how well you play.
If they do this and go too far with it, the only really BIG disparity will be beam priority/choice. Watch Blizz change beam to both beams at once to dumb it down lol jk but seriously what is this thought process?!
Mercy is a hero that has an EXTREMELY low skill FLOOR. There is no reason to lower the skill CEILING. Give us something we actually need. If anything, increase the skill ceiling. Please.
Also I’m not saying that SJ makes you instantly good, that would be ridiculous.

Ftr, Sling GA is a lot less contextual than SJ and has far more value for survival etc. Mercy has a ton of GA techs, including techs that involve SJ.

This isn’t the change Mercys need or want.
Sorry for length, I have a lot of thoughts when it comes to sudden news about my most played hero.


Indeed that may be what is on the cards here. I would hope there was ways to make the supports more attractive for the support players to queue for without blowing out their power budget, but that is up to Blizzard to try to solve.

Maybe. Maybe not.

Well, we DO want the support players queuing because we don’t want the DPS queues to push out to 30+ minutes on launch.

Queue times and the ability for Blizzard to get support players to queue go hand in hand.

Right, now Blizzard needs to work out how to make the changes which don’t cause the game issues, AND makes the role attractive enough that the support players want to play the game.

“Que times too fast, wasn’t ready” :laughing:

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Had too much fun, didn’t go to work.

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Finally turning Mercy’s Superjump into an ability instead of a glitch is my favorite part

How and where would they put it

I wouldn’t say “never”. He was one of the go-to shieldbreakers in the early days, but that was ever so long ago now. The devs saying he excels at it now was a bit wierd.

Beta queue times are now faster than the 6v6 live service without sacrificing match fairness or quality measures.

This made me chuckle. Hard to see a reduction in match quality and fairness when your baseline is OW1’s QP, I guess…

I accidentally posted a response to someone from an entirely different thread. Hence the “deleted” post (you can see the edits and I’ll restore it when I’m back at my PC).

I stopped talking to you so leave me out of this. You’re a brick wall and I got exhausted with how viciously you gaslit me. I wanted out of the conversation. Now drop it and leave me alone and stop talking about me.

Umm what? He can right click and slash to instakill all squishes as is. Why would he need MORE damage. With 1 less tank, less shields, the fights are super fast now. So in OW1 he was meant to sustain a fight which lasted forever. In OW2 he is not. Don’t tell me you think that the heroes and roles play exactly the same as OW1. In a vacuum sure, but with Mercy/Ana pocket still existing? Yeah no sustaining is not what he needs when he can just dash in and out or wall climb into all the new crevices and hidey holes in the new maps.

I think it might be the reverse good person.

I think supports had the lowest deaths/10 in the first place at around 4 in gm. If that’s true, then moving up to 5 deaths/10 isn’t that big of a deal for a game that has significantly faster pacing. Numbers could be wrong and argument could be wrong as well, but I’ve spent most of my time on support in the beta. Ana, brig, lucio, moira feel absolutely amazing to play

To be fair, Winston can’t kill anything if a healer happens to be looking at them.

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After which Hanzo is a FAR better hero and get much more value out of.

Junkrat is garbage unless he’s in someones face. So again, why pick Junkrat when there are other heroes that do the same job but better.