Overwatch 2... LMAO

Overwatch is suck… overwatch 2 is twice the suck… LMAO


As far as DLC goes, forget it. I payed enough for the game initially to then have to turn around and buy some DLC that I hope will maybe possibly could be fixing the many, many balance and gameplay issues if at all possible that the devs decide to finally listen to the players about.

Wow, how’s that for a sentence? Glad I only typed it out and did not have to say it out loud.

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I’m surprised the depression rate at Blizzard isn’t 100% I mean honestly. They autistic screech for WoW classic so when the Dev team makes it they still complain. They complain about Overwatch not giving them more for their little 20$ and say they will be glad to pay for real content so they rumor Overwatch 2 and you guys still cry. You say thing and forget you said them seconds after it happens nothing will ever truly make you happy. Nothing the Dev team does will ever please anyone.

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Titanfall 2 was a LOT better than 1. A lot of FPS sequels turned out really good!

I hope they take everything they learned from Overwatch, and make some key changes for Overwatch 2.

I’ve really come to love the idea of a 2nd game, because i love the core gameplay and most of the heroes. Just wish they could start over and do some things different. Well, they can do just that with Overwatch 2.

I’m pretty excited.

The game won’t be called Overwatch 2. That name was used by the source because they were probably told that the devs of the cancelled SC shooter were being moved to ‘the new Overwatch project’ or something.

Just got mixed up in translation.

Been around? I’ve been around since the PONG console game was released. I guess I should expect you would assume I was younger than you, you haven’t been on earth long enough to know what being older really means.

Go to your room and do your homework.

This kind of thought leads to games failing and being recycled, reskinned and offering more of the same without actual improvement.
Also, think about League of Legends, for example. It’s there, constantly being improved and redesigned, instead of simply being dropped out. Games shouldn’t need a second version after only three years post release.

It’s possible that they’ll do what Fortnite did and rebrand the current game with a massive update.

If there was an overwatch 2 and we were required to pay for it I definitely would not be buying since it already overpriced

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I genuinely don’t think Overwatch 2 really exists. Blizzard is putting too many resources into Overwatch as it is (as in, Esports and the like).

I’d buy Overwatch 2. I played OW for four years, hundreds of hours. If that’s not worth $39.99, then i don’t know what is.

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I’m going to wait a month or so after/if it comes out and see.
Very part 2’s are any good.
The only game I’m looking forward to is Cyberpunk 2487 ( actual release date…)

Overwatch 2 rumors: exist.

The Forums: Let’s all jump to conclusions about what’s going to happen at Blizzcon!

Me: I just want a good time with a good game.

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Exactly, even when ow is not in really great state now, it was still worth the money paid. I mean how many game we will play for so many hours for 60 bucks/euro.

Ow is a steamy pile. Ow2 will be a cash grab with fake ethics and company morals


Gee guys… it’s almost like Activision Blizzard is a business.

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Just like how SC2 has co-op mode and I believe they will include an even better map editor with more complicated functions and triggers.

Would like if overwatch2 was more like paladins…less focused on role purity. It’s obvious now that most players like dps role for variety…and similarly why players generally dislike tank or healing due to a lack of variety. Most days o want to play tank…but I don’t want to be forced into shield tanking…a playstyles I loathe…while I watch a dps player whimsically play the hero of their choice even at a detriment to the team.

Can’t I have my cake and eat it too? It’s my free time as well. Yet I have to make sacrifices others refuse to do…

I would prefer hero’s who don’t get pigeon holed into roles. That way the game becomes about utility vs utility, and not role vs role.

You can’t influence change if you ignore problems.

That is exactly what will happen. OW2 is an upgraded engine with PVE content added for paying customers. Everyone that doesn’t buy it will just have the new OW2 in place of OW1 and get pvp content only. Jeff already stated that in a vod.

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