Overwatch 2 Leaver prob

Coming back to OW I can’t believe how bad the leader problem is still. 1 out of 3 games is titled because people prematurely quit the match. It’s not unusual to see this in back-to-back matches.

What, if anything, is OW2 going to do to combat this problem that’s wrecking Competitive gameplay?

I can’ t help but think the penalties are laughable as they stand and fear that Blizzard doesn’t have what it takes to be tough enough on those leaving matches to discourage the practice :frowning:


Increased population with the lower chance of getting that to happen. Also people will more likely want to play.

Well, 5v5 = 2 fewer people in the game, which means 2 fewer people that can leave the game.

In theory, that should result in a 16.7% reduction in leavers.


You are an optimist.

getting everyone grinding their mains instead of their 14th alt account might help :laughing:

maybe we see report system improvements, i surely think the system could do better. in my experience, you have to try pretty :face_with_symbols_over_mouth: hard to get actioned in this game. oh boy, i got a 15 minute ban for leaving a game. switches account

ultimately though, its not the leaver that sucks, its the fact that you almost unconditionally lose sr, and your time feels wasted because of it. they hinted at a competitive rework but we don’t know what it is. if i had to guess, it’s going to be something a bit more “modern” that puts more emphasis on personal performance over team performance… in a system like that, does the leaver still suck? not nearly as much… but there’s no telling if we’re getting a system like that

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I’d like to formally leave this proof of concept here, for your feedback! :slight_smile:

This also means that the team penalty for a leaver in a 4v5 match affects the team by 20%, up from 16.7%.

So leavers in 5v5 are 3.333% more harmful/impactful overall.



OW2 will feel no different than OW1 after a week or two and people realize that the game hasn’t really changed in any fundamental way.

The removal of one tank is counteracted by them boosting the single tank to be as powerful as two tanks; and tanks are likely to see more grief because you won’t have another person on the team who can counter-swap when the enemy team counters the one tank you have.

Have fun being on a team with a ball rolling around the map while the enemy team just jumps over him and destroys your team with Doomfist/Genji/Tracer Dive.

And people will probably start leaving push maps because it will be just as awful as 2CP with how much of an advantage “first fight win” gives the team pushing. I cannot wait to see those threads popping up!

The thing that fixes these types of problems in the game is player mentality. Blizzard cannot design around that. Players make the choices they want to make, and choose to live with the consequences.

There is nothing a developer can do to get around that, other than start handing out tons of suspensions/bans/etc. but at that point it will simply discourage people from playing Competitive (worsening Queue Times for some roles), and that’s ignoring the Alt-Account Problem that this game has (which basically deletes the impact of any reprimand Blizzard can think of for so many players).


The leaver/dc/server error problem is REAL.
Please add backfill or fix your servers at least to the quality or League of Legends because that game is way more playable than this right now.


hahaha XD… The Blizzard Solution It’s not us, It’s the player’s fault…Remove players nobody can complain :slight_smile:

They should add backfill to Comp mode, imo. No amount of penalty will stop rage-quitters (do we really want to keep these players on our team), so it’s best to make their leaving as inconsequential to the rest of the matches as possible. At least add backfill for bronze-gold, perhaps. See how it goes.


No one wants to tank SR after having been backfilled into lots of dumpster matches.

Backfill for comp makes no sense and should never happen.


Make it a voluntary thing, with no sr lost on a loss.

So being picked to backfill is then pure upside as you may win sr, with no risk of losing any.

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I would backfill every match if I could. Maybe the devs could make it opt-in (like public profiles) so players don’t have to backfill if they don’t want to.

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Something like this is absolutely needed

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[Idea] Each team has 1 time out to use in this cases, in case of a leaver, the other team has to choose 1 player to go to the bench (by voting), meanwhile the leaver has the opportunity to reconnect, if reconnect then the bench player enters the match again, in case that the player does not come back, the match continues with the same number of player per team.

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so someone gets a game misconduct just by being voted on? democracy at its finest!

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You have to add a phone number to your account in OW2, so maybe that might help a little. But phone numbers are pretty easy to come by and free so, I doubt it.

I suppose they could have a backfill queue option. DPS might use it for a shorter queue, and usually it is the DPS who tend to rage quit, so it might work.

What do other games do to combat it?

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statistically, you can reduce your exposure to the “leaver problem” if you go first.

your math is flawless…well done!

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Well to be fair. Bad tank play will be heavily punished in OW2 ranked.

Because they won’t have a cotank to carry them anymore.

So they will drop to where their playstyle is effective.

In some ways, i wish they went 1 support as well for the same reason.

Both roles are more game sense heavy, and currently bad players don’t drop because the other 3 carry the one dead weight. (Ignoring dps, because they are the least impactful and also least team reliant)