Overwatch 2 Known Issues - October 25, 2022

Wtf is this game, hero challenges are not showing on my challenges tab, plus not even my normal challenges are counting progress I have made

When playing on my Xbox there’s a bug where whenever I unlock an achievement it boots me from the server. If I was playing ranked it also will not let me back in for a while and gives me a suspension. Please fix!

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I wonder how long before Blizzard’s excuse changes from “It’s a DDoS attack” to “A Wizzard did it”?

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Just plugged in my microphone mid-game and it froze my whole computer. I could still hear audio, but no response from keyboard.

is that what is causing this? soooo annoying.

Daily reminder to our friends at Blizzard, since you still didn’t talk about it.
We’d like to get our T500 rewards, we grinded for them after all and what happened is clearly a bug, probably related to the changes made to Ranked in OW2. We’ve got proof (screenshots, videos) that we were still in T500 when Ranked got locked ~40 minutes before OW1 servers’ shutdown.
We can wait, it’s fine, we just want you to acknowledge this issue.

Yes me too but i’m only missing a couple kids and my gold gun!

To add to the bug list:


Weekly challenges tracking not working for healing dmg or mitigation.

and still they didnt aknowledge the missing oni genji and officer d.va skins. there are many players who participated in the nexus 2.0 challenge. we are missing those skins.

Same here all my friends get placed bronze 5 we play the same games and I rank up but they stay the same… makes 0 sense im not at the point where we can’t even queue anymore because my rank is too high

There is MORE than some I can say for a FACT my 2 sons are going on 9 DAYS with this error and have been unable to play the game for 9 DAYS that’s already been 50/60 COIN lost towards buying the battlepass or skins from the Weekly Quest because that’s the only way to get free coins, if we go another week without being able to log in because of LC-208 that’s now 100/120 COIN lost a FREE Reaper SKIN and Weapon Charm and double battlepass XP doesn’t fix THIS, most DON’T EVEN CARE about REAPER or PLAY HIM to use the SKIN let alone use a WEAPON CHARM! Double battlepass XP, most already offer these weekends… so this is nothing special here… DO BETTER WE NEED A BETTER ABK THERE IS NO EXCUSE FOR THIS!


Wonder when they are going to fix the looping login issue. I tried to change the number on my account but that did not work. Nice to know this is still happening a week after release

Like their response is worth anything. They finally replied back to my ticket from 4 days ago and all they did was refer me to this forum. They are worried about focusing on the dragon flight release so they can drop the ball on that too.

Cool patch, blizzard. How about fixing account merging issues though? Any ETA?


well, heroes lockd fixed, but now i have no friends??

Я так понимаю BLIZZARD, даже не подумывает о тех у кого игра зависает и не даёт поиграть, поэтому буду писать сюда и прошу всех с подобной проблемой писать сюда ежедневно, исправьте зависания в игре, у тех кто носит процессор i3-6100 3.7Ghz и подобные.

New patch but still no Bastion… :frowning:

You’d think a hero being completely disabled should be high up in the priority list to resolve… but I guess Blizzard thinks otherwise.

Please fix zarya bubble cooldown in total mayhem, thanks.


Patch notes came out… account merge hell still exist