Overwatch 2 is losing players FAST to bad balance

D.va, Zarya, Genji, Sojourn, and Kiriko are tearing up nearly every lobby. D.va plays every position you could ever need, Zarya effectively has 800+ HP and farms endless amounts of damage, Genji has a better tanking ability than Junker Queen (and has a nearly unstoppable ultimate), Sojourn is the best of all worlds when it comes to damage and pickoffs, and Kiriko can swing teamfights with minimal effort thanks to Suzu and Kitsune Rush. This patch is already extremely stale and the balancing that’s coming hardly addresses what makes these heroes strong outliers. It’s starting to feel like Overwatch 1 again, being harder and harder to bring myself to launch the game.

Wish I was worse at the game so I wouldn’t have to deal with everyone else who’s optimized these heroes.

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In competitive? because in all the quickplay matches I’ve been in most Kiriko’s be having 500 or less damage hahaha :woman_standing:

Say you’re bronze without telling my you’re bronze.

it’s also possible it’s losing players due to predatory monetization + rigged comp experience.

i wish i could complain about balance but with server issues and queues i haven’t had enough interactions to really comment on balance. who is even worrying about balance when the game barely launches?


Did you even read my msg? clearly not if you try to rank shame me

There is apparently a balance patch in the works, estimated for the 25th.

They are balancing as fast as they ever have.

im seeing more rein these days than d.va though if things arent working they will go from whatever tank they was to rein

The strat to play with Rein hasn’t changed. It’s always been walk behind the glowing rectangle, invest all of your resources into the big German Armor man and watch as he beats people to a pulp.

Other tanks actually require thought to play with.

i mean even if they nerf the mentioned heroes there will be another meta. game will always have a meta and its a pipe dream to believe they can balance everything

Source on losing players fast? A quick Google search indicates no such thing.