how do i dl it faster speed normal speed? 100 kb/s is utterly bs guide me in steps/ways to download it faster speed please?
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Change your download settings m8
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Go to download options and uncap the speed for pre release content
Lucky for you, the game won’t come out for another 10 hours so you have a bit of time.
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You should consider yourself fortunate, back in the days of dial-up we had 56 kb/s so 100 would have been a dream!
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Back in my day, Zac Efron didn’t exist. All we had was Dick Van Dyke and Don Knotts.
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You, just saved my life.
Do everyone a favor and make this into a post.
I’m just gonna keep bumping this.
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Luxury! When I got my first dial-up (1994) account it was 14.4kbps (V.32bis).
That was better than those poor saps on 9.6kbps though!