Overwatch 2 feels really bad

The game feels really bad right now.
These are some of the reasons why:

  1. We had a product that we payed for taken away from us.
  2. We have to pay for cosmetics that were free mere days ago.
  3. The battle pass is extremely slow to progress unless you have payed for the premium pass or you are completing the challenges.
  4. Being required to complete challenges feels bad as it forces you to play a certain way to progress, which goes against the old essence of Overwatch which encouraged exploration.
  5. The game itself has moved to being a fast paced homogenized FPS rather than remaining unique in the genre to appeal to a larger competitive base. Certain roles and characters feel really bad because of this.
  6. This game is no longer friendly to casual players, as it is not possible for a player like me to complete a battle pass that progresses at this pace in 9 week intervals.

It feels like the best of Overwatch is far behind us and it is not returning soon.


Feels particularly bad when it forces you to do something you actively dislike. “Play X hero that you hate playing” or “Win this many games in any arcade mode”
I don’t want to play arcade, I don’t want to play that hero.


Ya…I haven’t seen a team kill on any side yet with so much more space. If I can ever log in again, I’m not sure I’ll be getting that challenge :tired_face: :tired_face: :tired_face:


Don’t worry, backfill is so unbelievably slow at the moment, that if you happen on a team that has 2-3 leavers you’re almost guaranteed to get the achievement in one match.


Don’t worry, FOMO will enable you to feel bad or pay money.


Nah. I never really cared about skins or cosmetics, much. I hadn’t opened loot boxes in years on my main and I only bought cosmetics two weeks ago to burn through the currency that I thought was going away.


I wish I could feel the same way, but unlocking cosmetics was fun for me, and I wish that was still an option without paying money.


I totally can understand your perspective. It will most def be a bigger issue for me next season when I dont auto unlock the new characters.


HOTS did this towards its end and I simply just didn’t fulfill the objective and i stopped playing


Absolutely, I feel this statement. Quest, objective, and battlepass burnout is a real thing. Eventually the FOMO stops hurting and interest dwindles.


What a really clear and well reasoned critique. Not to mention I would second all those points in a heartbeat.

They’re not the only reasons of course. Add to that:

  • The dreadful, stressful new soundtrack vs the blissful thematic scene setting we used to have
  • The constant pointless jabbering of Moira or whoever you’re playing
  • The nauseating aspect of the visuals (whatever it is? - but there’s something there)
  • The total lack of any strategy or purpose to participating in the team

Honestly the list goes on.

“The game feels bad right now” - 100% - and so do I.


Don’t forget about 5v5 changes was terrible too


Is it just me or are most of the sounds just come off as cheap? OW1 there was some thump to some of the weapons. Everything just sounds thin and weak now.


To me all guns sound like they’re toys rather than actual guns. Apart from Widow and McCree maybe.

Compared to OW1, the sound design is awfully lackluster.

  1. You didint pay for overwatch 2, and overwatch is still inside the game, they didint take anything away, they changed it and you dislike change.

  2. No, You can still unlock those

  3. 1 Win is about 8k exp out of 10k, 1 loss is about 700xp /10k

  4. It happens so fast you dont even need to think about it

  5. It’s not fast paced, if anything its slower. This aint unreal

  6. its even friendlier to casual players, even has cross play


#5 are my biggest concern right now. Sadly that’s a huge issues that probably wont get fixed, they would have to replace all new maps with completely new designs that naturally groups the teams together rather than scatter them over a huge area.

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SnaH I can assure you that one win does not give you 8k exp unless you complete a challenge. You may have read the end screen incorrectly.

You’ll get only 100 XP for completing a match. If you complete multiple matches in a session, you’ll get a bonus 100 XP. And, if you win your match, you’ll get 150 bonus XP. In ideal conditions, where you’re on a long streak, and you’re winning, you can earn 350 XP per match. Source

You are unable to unlock the cosmetics from OW 1 without spending the premium currency.

I am starting to question if you have even played since OW2 came out.

  1. I can assure you i get 1-2 battle pass level ups every win.
  2. Roadmap
  3. If you think overwatch is fast, you have never played a arena shooter before.

You must be narcoleptic falling asleep in-between one match and another.

We are talking about overwatch 2 in comparison to overwatch 1. Other arena shooters are irrelevant.


Been saying for months that this would be the initial reaction.

Beyond the game feeling a little refreshed but not 100% new, it’s still not fun. It is worse when you remember that everything is just FOMO based garbage so cosmetics/unlockables which are 90% of the reason for playing are just not worth such effort, time, or money.

I said OW FOMO and greed edition would literally be the worst thing ever and so far I seem to be 100% correct. Bare minimum gameplay doesn’t make up for the lack of getting nothing out of it.