"Overwatch 2" - Fact and Rumor List

I’m going to take it as a viable indication of things to come until proven otherwise anyway, but thanks for the info.

haha brilliant

release a side pve game to get the casuals out of competitive mode

brilliant jeff!

I can’t wait for
“Throwverwatch 2: Throw Harder”


No problem, just remember the 190th Rule of Acquistion. Hear All, Trust Nothing.


This post should get pinned for easy reference.

Nah… its merely a news rumormill thread. I just try to sort out facts as I collect them. I will try to keep it updated if worthy.

Yeah I really cannot understand why people cannot grasp that OW is a Lore IP, and multiple games are expected from it…

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Hopefully Overwatch 2 will come out and be amazing. Hopefully it doesnt take 3 more years thanks to this movie they have to make.

Realistically, if there is any annoucements at this year’s BlizzCon, expect the actual game to come out at least a year afterward (if not more).


i like the way you think, ow has always needed more mini golf <3

Yeah well look at what happened to Red Dead Redemption 2, it took foreverrr and they didnt even have to make a movie plot to fit around it.

I kinda worry OW2 will spit the community apart, especially if it is really a PvE game. I wouldn’t surprise if more than half of the playerbase move over to OW2 and forget about OW

If it is truly a PvE Game

Does this mean no more archives event and it will be all on Overwatch 2?

They must have a fetish for cancelling Starcraft based shooter. Rip Ghost, at least we got a fancy Nova skin for Widow instead.

“We wanna make Overwatch a successfull long time project”
Also Blizz:
“Lol, here you have Overwatch 2”

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Thank you for the clearing of this!
Fingers crossed for new games :crossed_fingers::grimacing:

The disappointing thing, if this is all true, is that they chose to make a completely new game for story content instead of adding it to the main game. It’s immensely greedy in all honesty.

Myself I’d worry about splitting the fanbase again.

Overwatch PvE would mean a lot of people will play it rather then comp - so I’d expect comp numbers to drop.

I myself am looking forward to Overwatch 2 (if it happens). I’ll be interested in what it does to Overwatch 1.

Mobile games.

Diablo 4 (IE Immortal)
OW2 - Mobile as well

Also why people left because they didnt wanna work on mobile games, but that was probably their only option.


Well this would explain why the lore has been nearly non-existent since the games release. They are saving it for another Overwatch game.


Thanks for posting this Myst!

Iirc, there was an interview done with someone at Blizzard that said they will be trying to expand the franchise with spin-
off possibilites since the game has so much potential with their characters and universe so this makes the most sense.

People have asked for lore for a long time now and isn’t it a bit ironic we had very, very little in the past 2 years? Wonder why? PVE could mean a possible story mode imo as that means missions and such to do. Plus, one game with PVE and one game with PVP helps expand the franchise’s possibilites with fans from both categories and keeps both happy.

The only issue I have is their balance with both games and how they will prioritize it among the team. Considering how big Overwatch is, they will need as much attention as they can get to keep both games alive and functioning well. I hope they do not give one attention more over the other.


It would certainly make sense why comics have slowed to a seeming halt and why lore is moving so slow. Keeping in mind they hired an award winning writer last year in July, it wouldn’t make sense to expand the lore team without them doing something.

A PVE game makes sense for why we’re missing like. A story at all lol.