Overwatch 2 developer blog: Matchmaker and competitive deep dive, part 1

So many measuring numbers yet all are hidden or stalled. Bring back SR and show ranks.


i don’t know how you don’t see that purposely throwing a certain amount of our games is a problem. if i purposely threw half of my games, you would perm ban me in a second. twitter has been in an uproar about frequent completely lopsided lobbies, which they thought were various bugs, but here you are admitting (finally) that it was by design. lower skilled players should not be used to balance out lobbies. playing with obvious differentials is not only boring, it creates toxic environments. the most fun matches are ones where you have good fights and gameplay and honestly i don’t care if i win/lose in those types of matches. what really tilts me is being thrown in lobbies with obvious skill disparities, regardless if i win or lose. maybe rethink this?


Thanks for sharing some information.

I have a couple of questions:

Why do you need two values (MMR & SR) but to place people in matches only MMR, which is completely hidden to players, is used? I see no point in having SR.

Additionally, does it mean that games to practice heros in QP or FFA are impacting competitive MMR?


Rigging in the full sense of the word

How can the matchmaker accidentally just place a low rank tank on 1 team and a high rank on the other.

‘Hehe we so sorry, it was an accident. Promise’

That isn’t an oops :speak_no_evil: moment thats a yikes :grimacing: moment

Again they create a blog talking about improvements to the matchmaking and their ‘improvements’ are to make it more unbalanced and artificial


Why are they making it more complicated than it needs to be?

Ow1 never had this big of a matchmaker issue. Did you occasionally get a game where you had someone a rank or so different from you? Yeah. But it was few and far between. It mostly happened when you were on the border of a rank. For instance if you were 3400 you might get sucked into some masters ranked games even though you are diamond. Most games you would load in and you’d see the screen and everyone would have the same rank icon.

In ow2 you just get random people from random ranks in your matches and the game goes ‘make it work’. You got a plat dps who has instalocked junk, a diamond ball 1 trick and a mercy 76 duo. And….

how matchmaking should work
I take a plat tank, 2 plat dps and 2 plat supports. I then take another plat tank, another 2 plat dps and another 2 plat supports. Bam. Match made

how blizzard matchmaking works
We take a plat tank from here, add 2 tablespoons of diamond dps, mix it together with a plat support and crack a master support into the mix.

Then in a separate tray we take a diamond tank, sift 1 masters dps and their mercy duo, add 1 diamond dps until there are stiff peaks, finish with a drizzle of plat support on top.

Put 1 in the oven for 20 mins, put the other in the microwave for 8 mins. Voila. Surely they are going to turn out the same because they both had a diamond dps right?


Another point against this MMR wizardry : you can very well be useful to your team, yet not have “stats” that reflect it. There is that one action that wins a point, or even wins the match, while you could very well have been dominated all game along. Do you deserve to go down in MMR because your performance was lower, or should you climb up because you were clutch when needed ?

Some people don’t perform linearly and only get “the genius moment” right when it matters. This MMR system obviously doesn’t take that into account. Let me give you an example : Zarya may be “judged” by the MMR system by one variable, how many people killed in a graviton. But let’s say that in a genius move, Zarya uses graviton to prevent enemies touching the point, it doesn’t kill anybody, yet it was a clutch ultimate, will the MMR then decide this Zarya skill should be noticed or not ? I bet it’s not counted, as many other actions that sometimes occur, even sometimes a flanker just distracting supports (even if not doing much kills) can subtly change the game outcome by his actions.


Good God why would you ever put a GM and a Gold in the same match EVER.


Your perception that a player lands in their SR eventually is based on a world where MMR has been used - it’s been shown that the system works: if you believe SR to be a true reflection of skill, then it’s because MMR based matchmaking has got us there.

We don’t know if SR based match making would do the same or create greater variances in matches but I think it’s telling that the major games use MMR

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Devs, tell us you don’t understand what MMR is without telling us you don’t understand what MMR is.


It’s not complicated. They did not create tank diffs on purpose, they just weren’t explicitly preventing it before, and they are going to be controlling for it in the near future. This is good news.

The reason people with different skill end up in the same game is because of premades. They’ve already implemented limits for this, but they can’t make it too restrictive or no one would be able to group. At most ranks, people can group with players that are 2 ranks away from them. If they do, the game has to work out a way to put other players into that game that will balance the match. It’s never going to be perfect.

Furthermore, in QP there are no limits at all by design, so sometimes the game just has to do the best it can with teams that have wildly disparate players.


Soooo are you gonna fix it?

The only takeaway from this article is OW2 Matchmaking will continue to suck for awhile and MAYBE it will get better.



MMR shouldn’t be a thing, you should base off rank only. Getting punished for your hidden rank.

Oh you’re winning? Lets barely increase your rank but give you way harder games that you should lose.

If you want better matchmaking make a solo queue, every stack has one or two smurfs ruining the matchmaker.


What you call “rank” is an illusion. It has no actual bearing on your skill, so of course they don’t use it to matchmake. It’s a system of smoke and mirrors they created as a psychological trick. Say what you will about that, but the system is in fact trying to rate you by skill.


Explains Diamond Challengers consistently in High Gold/Low Plat games.

What you are describing is not how it works at all. If you win your MMR goes up and your SR goes up. The only illusion is at the start when they do that fake lowering of everyone’s SR at the start of the season to give the illusion of climbing. After about 21 games though your MMR and SR are near identical.

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This shows that the new OW team has no clue what they’re doing with matchmaking comp.

What’s gonna happen to player A and player B who both reach masters 2 and get dropped down to platinum 3 next season? They’re going to play each other in the same matches they had the previous season.

How do you rank up if you keep having to play at your peak skill level while getting ratcheted down each season?

Stop being so f’ing invasive with the matchmaking. Role balance each lobby based on SR and then make a MMR pass AFTER to make sure you have no egregious outliers. It’s literally that simple ideologically.


The whole point of a ranked ladder is to know where you stand against other players, and thats not possible if players real score is hidden, and you wave something to make them “feel better”. People are complaining cause the disparity of external rank vs internal rank is noticeable, by bad matching teams. Just display the current MMR as SR, and matchmake that number with mirrors on the other team. Winner goes up, loser goes down, and you can insert some bonus for “carrying” even if a person lost. Its all people wanted from the begining, to know how they rank, even if its bad.
If you still need some incetive, just give random giftboxes for 10 or 20 matches, like you used to, or give a box on rank change (7 wins, 20 losses), that can be currency for the cash shop too.


I cannot believe not one person at Blizzard thought that putting new players in gold/silver mmr and soft resetting old returning players mmr, placing them below new players, would make it difficult for the algorithm to predict skill. Explains why I was getting more competitive games in bronze 5 than I was at silver 5. The higher I climbed from bronze, the least skilled my teammates appeared to be.


I appreciate the communication but… if there’s this number… that you’re using to determine the skill level of a player in order to place that player in matches with players of the same skill level… and that number isn’t the player’s rank… what exactly is the purpose of the rank tiers? And how do those systems interact?

If a player is Gold 1 but their MMR is more in line with a Plat 1 player…are they just playing in Plat 1 games as a Gold 1 player? Will they be adjusted all the way to Plat 1 the next time their rank is changed or will they go to Plat 5 or somewhere in between? And what if that Gold 1 player, who’s MMR is more consistent with Plat 1 players, wants to queue with someone who is a Bronze 1 player (who’s MMR is consistent with a Bronze 1 player or lower)… That’s technically “legal” within the stated rules of the matchmaker.

Basically, my question boils down to: In what way does keeping the “real number” hidden and separate from our rank improve the ranked experience?

That is the issue with Hidden Figures. Not knowing your actual Skill Rating (be it MMR or Division/Tier) is detremental to your own progress.

I assume that Blizzard doesnt want you to know what your MMR is, how it is calculated and what exactly are your performance stats that influce your MMR. It might lead to a lack of team cohesion or “reddit” Lucios all over the place. It might inflate their MMR and thereby, raise their SR.

Transparency would be appreciated so that players can get a grasp on what they need to improve on.

After each comp match, im looking at the match history to see how i performed comparitively between the last match and this one. Each death that happens in game, i am looking at what i did or what i could have done to prevent. I do not focus on other players because i can only change me and how i play–they have to decide for themselves.

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