Overwatch 2 Damage passive potential changes

I like the intent behind the damage passive however it needs changes to balance it right now. It has so much value for how easy it id to apply.

The change:

  • Damage passive duration reduced from 2 seconds to 1.5 seconds.
  • Damage passive is now only applied through primary fire.

Bastion change:

  • Turret form does not apply the damage passive.

I dont know bout everyone but 2 seconds was a long time like keep in mind anti nade is 3.5 yes its more powerful but for something on players especially tank players 24/7 it needs a slightly lower duration.

It also is crazy how abilities and ults proc the passive which makes it very easy to provide value as a damage with little effort and skill. Tobjorn turret right now is very good due to the aimbot it has so its practically permanently on players.

Making it apply to primary fire balances it making it less easy to apply.

The reason for the bastion change is turret form was already very good the passive just makes it too oppressive right now especially on tanks who already got deleted by bastion.


DPS passive is fine, it’s only an issue for tanks.


Its not abilities and ults should not apply the passive

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I don’t think Torb’s turret is providing nearly as much anti-healing as someone like Tracer just spraying the whole team. It also targets whoever Torb hits, so it’ll often just be hitting someone he’s already applying it to himself.

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Why not?

Like really why not? What made you come to this conclusion?

As some heroes do damage almost exclusively through their abilities, which can include their secondary fire.

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Well i will tell you exactly what made me come to this conclusion.

The damage passive is to easy too apply and lasts 2 seconds which feels too long so thats why i suggested 1.5 aeconds its long enough even for those who use not so fast projectiles or hitsan with a slower fire rate amd they still can apply the passive and grant value on poorly positioned enemies.

There are plenty of the damage role who could perform well even before the change and nearly all of them can hit for decent damage for primary fire.

The passive still has plenty of value even with what i suggested but it just makes it less oppressive however i guess some secondary fires would not hurt like tobjorn, mei, genji, cassidy and sym would be fine.

Though there is no need for dynamite turret and aoe abilities to apply the passive.

I mean its crazy an auto aim ability can apply it etc all turrets so torb and sym.

And this is why I think that the tank passive should just mitigate the damage passive by a percentage. It’s completely fine to on squishies.

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For starters the DPS doesn’t do anything in the vast majority of 1v1 scenario. It’s not strong enough to prevent supports from reaching certain healing thresholds, which will require heroes such as Pharah or cassidy to land extra shots.

Heroes like hog and mauga were changed so they rely more on damage resistance and shield generation. While JQ just gets better and more consistent damage combo’s.

For the most part the DPS passive only really comes into play when you begin stacking healing tools. Like some tanks and support combo’s can have up to 5 healing sources up at the same time.

And lets focus fire onto a single target overcome such.

I mean its a 5v5 not a 1v1 so yeah plus the dmg passive is something you can feel especially when you are hit by it.

Lowering the duration by 0.5 seconds is not gonna kill the passive and making abilities not proc it again will not kill it.

Its stupid abilities actually trigger it for one I mean abilities are impactful to anyones gameplay.

It just means its permanently on the tanks who constantly get it.

Paladins has it like this and it works just fine ow2 even though it has a much lower percentage to Paladins 90% anti heal Paladins anti heal feels strong but way less oppressive because abilities will not proc it

IMO there should be a damage threshold to trigger it. this way, burst DPS and sustained DPS heroes are more “even” - e.g. it would take 1 fully-charged hanzo arrow to proc it, and 5-7 soldier shots. proccing the full dps passive for taking 1 dmg from reaper across the map is bs.

but i don’t think there’s a reasonable way to balance the dps passive. it will ALWAYS favour the point-and-click hitscan dps that can easily and instantly apply the passive with greater consistency. same case with all blanket role passives. dive tanks shouldnt have knockback resistance and supports with high self-healing shouldnt have regen.

Ah I see you have “ICanOnlyReadOneLineItus” may their be a cure for your horrible condition one day.

But no the fact that dps passive really only comes into play vs 2+v1 scenarios. Which do happen, 5v5 isn’t about big team battles were your all one big death ball or dive comp. It’s a lot of little fights happening around a point.

Were your attention is usually tide to one or two players at a time.

the dps passive doesn’t do as much as you think it does mercy lossse 8hps and that’s not changing her break points, nor does do anything in the case the enemy is going full aggro. Which the higher you go on ladder, the more likely your going to see supports secure and set up kills. Over attempting to hard sustain through everything.

Oh really thats funny I mean 20% antiheal for everything a damage can hit you with is very fair isnt it?

Like get real man i cannot be the only one here that sees that its stupid how easy it is proc a powerful debuff especially on the tank role.

In what way does bastions turret form which already was great at killing both tanks and squishies need to proc 20% healing reduction?

It doesn’t abilities and ults are already powerful especially in the dmg role. There was no need for abilities to proc it.

Yes some damages mainly get damage from abilities but they still do damage and kill.

Having the duratlast 0.5 seconds less will not kill the passive hell im not even asking for it to lose its antiheal all im asking is for ults and abilities to not proc it.

Its unfair especially if abilities track or have auto aim like turrets etc sym and torb then 2 secs of anti heal.

Damages with gun alt fires still should however not abilities.

It is not that difficult to understand how annoying it is when everything procs it.

Whats wrong with making the damage passive take some basic skill to proc it?

Would it kill the passive?


Would it feel slightly better to deal with without losing its strength?


Lastly would it still be good at dealing with oppressive healing?

Yes provided you can hit shots.

Theres no reason to hate on this change any player that can hit shots will barely feel the change so what is the actual issue?

From the beginning i said abilities and ultimates should not proc it i never said alt fire shouldn’t so those who use alt fire more cough cough most genji players still will proc it.

Theres literally no reason to not add this change.

I mean if you can give a fair reason on why you think every ability that does dmg should apply 20% anti heal and every ult along with weapons go ahead but i dont agree with it and i stand by my point.

The passive for how potent it actually is is way too easy to apply.

That is the issue its not fair or fun dealing with a powerful and annoying status effect that procs 24/7 due how simple it is to proc.

Sym doesn’t need another nerf like her orbs not applying the dps passive.

Almost everyone got a 250hp increase.

Which means their is more time in combat to apply heal, more chances of breaking LOS to heal outside of combat, and general less likely to just get insta gibbed were healing can’t be applied.

It’s a huge buff to supports as a whole.

The dps passive by it’s doesn’t do anything in 1v1 scenario. a 2 v1 scenario where dps target is getting healed will still break through all the same healing thresholds forcing extra shots outof cassidy/pharah/ and completely keeping tracer from one clip + melee a hero with perfect blink positioning.

Not to mention tanks specifically have layers of barriers, damage resistance, bonus health genreation, and more to play around.

Why does everyone keep bring up the on of the easiest to counter dps in the game?

Oh yes scary numbers, shame anyone with highschool degree knows to time out his turret form before engaging hard. Like their these magical things called walls… you can use them to block all damage doubly so coming out of slow character like bastion.

Or just use dm/deflect/stuns/ ranged knock backs / one shot tools like pulse bomb or d.va bomb to punish his low speed / and just hack in general is just turns him off.

Still no need for it to proc on abilities and ults i mean a lot of people had dmg adjusted due to the hp increase.

Its fine having the passive im just saying have it only proc on wrapon shots

So some dps only really do damage via abilities and the like.

Your basically saying echo or venture isn’t allowed to have a passive.

Let alone the likes of torb that should be a threat to mobile dsp/support heroes do to his turret.

Nor would it really effect some heroes like tracer or soldier who are actual meta threats at the moment.

Maybe damage over time effects like virus or ashes dynamite shouldn’t keep it up. But that can also be balanced as part of the cooldowns utility.

Why is it an issue for tanks?

Because they get melted too fast with 20% healing reduction, tanks had to literally play cover 99% of the time at the start of season 9 because they were getting shot at and healing couldn’t compensate so they had to play super safe

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So they are getting lackluster heals is what youre saying. And who are these people that are applying lackluster heals. What role?

Oh in this specifically was for tanks, and a handfull of supports.

Because they really couldn’t they didn’t really get a consistency boost in damage like others did.

Like rein, winston, brig and moria can’t exactly just land more shots with the hit box increases.