Overwatch 2 crashes at start up after installing Windows 11

I have been unable to play overwatch for more than a month now, since updating to Windows 11. The game goes to a black screen on launch and crashes with the error 0xE00101B0. I have tried and searched for all the tech tips I have found on Google which includes and may not be limited to:

Uninstalling and installing the game.

Repairing game files.

Adding a line in the option steam has about how to open the game.

Modifying the exe file.

Deleting some files in the games folder.

Looked if I had razer files and I don't have any installed.

Disabling all start up apps.

Updating all drivers (graphic card, CPU, mobo, all I could find).

Uninstalling and installing drivers (including clean installation).

Changing the display scale back to 100%.

Reinstalled Windows 11 2 times, once using the tool, the other a clean installation.

My set-up is:

RTX 3080 12GB


32 GB of RAM 3600.

Please add links to your DxDiag and MSInfo. Post on pastebin.com.

Edit just in case.


Before I dig too far into this:

Your drives don’t have enough space for their pagefile, they need about 15% free. Your secondary external drive is using a format that isn’t supported by Blizzard games (using exFAT and needs to use NTFS). Plus, the error log is full of crash notices from the Intel storage manager.

2/15/2024 11:56 PM Application Error Faulting application name: IAStorDataMgrSvc.exe

I moved the files to C and deleted files so now I have more than 15% free space on both drives, restarted the pc and the crash still persist.

About the Intel Storage Manager, do you have any recommendation on what I could do about that? I am only having this problem with overwatch, other games (apex, prey, halo, starfield, etc.) run fine.

I think you’re using a Windows Insider build, and that could be the problem since Blizzard doesn’t support those.

I’m sure some other game you don’t play is having a problem with it, so this doesn’t really support any case for the app’s stability. I would stop it from loading on startup, it’s in your Task Manager on the Startup tab. You may need to reinstall if that storage app messed with permissions in the Overwatch directory.

And here’s the app location:
C:\Program Files\Intel\Intel(R) Rapid Storage Technology\IAStorDataMgrSvc.exe

If you still run into issues, ask someone on the Microsoft forum to read your memory dump files for a clearer idea.

Found that Intel Rapid Storage manager was crashing on start up too, after searching the reason I found that the program wasn’t necessary for me since I don’t need to use nvme RAID mode, uninstalled the program, but the overwatch start up error still persists.

Is there anything else I can do? Thanks.

edit: I am not using a Windows insider build.

edit 2: I don’t know if this would help, but the game worked once since this crash started happening, it ran fine (138 fps on ultra 1440p), this was like 3 weeks ago, played a match and decided to exit and enter the game again, but the same crash happened again, and has been happening since.

At this point, opening a ticket with the staff and going to the Microsoft forums for the memory dump read would be your next steps.

Make sure Hardware-accelerated GPU scheduling is off, then try rolling back to Nvidia’s December Driver.

  1. You’ll have to download the December Driver
  2. Then download DDU (Display Driver Uninstaller)
  3. Launch your PC into Safe Mode (Hold Shift while pressing restart)
  4. Once you get into Safe Mode Launch DDU
  5. Do a Full Uninstall of Your current driver.
  6. Restart
  7. Install the December driver

↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ See below ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓

I have a 4090 with a 13900ks, the newest Nvidia driver has been a pain for many with a lot of people rolling it back with DDU as the best method.

omg the DDU method worked! THANK YOU everyone!, ended up installing nvidias december 3 2023 drivers, uninstalling the newer ones with DDU, but I think it was DDU that fixed it, since before this I clean installed them with nvidias tool and the game was still crashing in the same way.

Okay, I read everywhere that an nvidia clean installation and DDU are the same thing by now, but I guess they are not, thanks to everyone again!!!

edit: I have updated the drivers using the nvidia tool and the game still works, so it seems DDU fixed the problem, thanks again!

Don’t forget to remove your MSInfo from Pastebin.com

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