Overwatch 2 - CPU 100% Usage

IDK what happened
but after the update I’ve experienced this laggy or getting more frame drops while playing the game I’ve always getting 100% CPU Usage I can’t even play the game properly anymore I’m getting frustrated
I’m using MSI Afterburner so I can monitor my CPU Usage and GPU Usage as well with Temp

But after this Version: come
I’ve always experienced laggy/frame drops even delay sounds
I can also play the game while streaming before
but right now even I don’t need to open my OBS Studio I’m still getting 100% CPU Usage
Unlike to the other games it’s normal but in Overwatch 2 It’s always getting 100% please help me out here, Even this is just AMD R7 200 Series I can still play the game properly but… right now… It’s totally sad to get this experienced playing the game.

You can actually check it here
The before and after playing Overwatch 2

BEFORE: Game? | Overwatch 2 | Open Party - Tagalog/English - YouTube
AFTER: Overwatch 2 - Good Morning! | LIVE! | English/Tagalog - YouTube (Version:

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You might be under the system requirements. I know AMD R7 200 for GPU but what CPU are you running? How much RAM installed? What settings are you using in game?

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I only have 8GB RAM
and my CPU is AMD A8-6600k APU with Radeon™ HD Graphics 3.90 GHz
Graphics Card: AMD R7 200 Series

But as I said I can play the game while streaming before with no lag or frame drops problem or even delay sounds
I just didn’t know what happened after the update
That’s why It’s kinda sad because I just setup my graphics settings to the lowest and resolution for 75% then 120 fps and the display resolution to the default settings of my monitor

You can actually see it on my videos links that I can play the game before
but right now it’s super laggy :((

Some of them saying that there’s a problem with the update about the CPU so I decided to post this so maybe any of you can help me out so I can properly play the game while streaming again.

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My best guess is that it is a problem specific to gaming laptops and the communication delay between the GPU and CPU. I noticed this problem on my high end gaming laptop a few weeks ago, but I do not notice it now. Try following these recommended settings:

  • Resolution: Match desktop resolution exactly. If your desktop is set to 1366x768 (60), then also set game resolution to 1366x768 (60). Use the highest resolution that your screen can display for both Game and Desktop.
  • Dynamic Render Scale: Off
  • Render Scale: Automatic
  • Frame Rate: Automatic
  • VSync: Off
  • Triple Buffering: Off
  • Reduce Buffering: On
  • High Quality Upsampling: Default
  • Damage FX: Low

If you are using Windows 10 on a laptop, search for “Graphics Settings”. Under “Graphics performance preference”, add Overwatch and set to “High Performance”. Make sure your battery settings are set to High Performance as well.

Below is a more technical explanation:

What is probably happening is a “CPU bottleneck” where the GPU is producing too many frames for the CPU to keep up with. By increasing the resolution to the full screen size and limiting the number of frames to 60, you can increase the load on the GPU and decrease the load on the CPU, resulting in less frame drops. By matching game resolution to desktop resolution, there is no additional work to upscale the image (which causes input latency). Dynamic Render Scale will lower the resolution of 3D objects in the middle of a demanding situation (such as a team fight) which will put additional strain on the CPU, so keep this setting Off. If the above fix does not work, lower the framerate as low as you can tolerate. Make sure your computer does not have any dust in the ventilation. When streaming video, use a low resolution and low FPS. I hope this can fix the issue for you as it did for me.

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Thank You for your help
Actually I think they already fix it
I can play the game again while streaming
thank you for the effort I really appreciate it!

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