Overwatch 2 Competitive Play - Season Four

Not implemented coz it would show up the bots they are placing to fulfill the queues.

It’s there, in the middle of the initial match screen. It’s not under TAB. Just like your current SR @ 5wins/15losses update you only get the average match SR briefly.

Blizzard. Keep everything as is but show the player, not other the players, what is going on with their rank/division at any given time. How hard can it be?

Same here. Got 5W - 1L, got deranked to bronze 5 and that awfull message. Then got 5W - 2L and I am still in B5.

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My friend had the same thing. They only play support and they often have the highest assist and healing in the entire game Decayed to Bronze 4 yesterday, won 5 in a row deranked to bronze 5 bottom 45% completed another ranking 7 losses to 5 wins went to lowest in bronze 5. The thing that gets me is we play with the same players no matter what rank we are. They are getting so demoralised. The annoying thing is the ‘better than’ percentage is meaningless as we don’t entirely know what Blizzard are measuring against…better at what? not dying, healing, assists, damage, being in a game where you’re team mates don’t leave? What do you want blizzard? What are you measuring against? At least with the old system you got a slight hint with the amount of SR you gained or lost. Blizzard are now making die hard fans who have been playing since 2016 about to quit this game.


WTF happend to the tanks on Season 4? You just pushed a bunch of garbage players from bronze 6 to gold/plat and dropped everyone else? This is insanely stupid having plat matches with tanks running straight to the middle of 5 enemies… for godsake anyone competent on the dev team to fix the rank? please???

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The better than just means you’re above that many people in the division. Say you’re gold 1 and it says you’re better than 60% of players. That means your SR would be 2460.

I don’t mind this system you can work out your actual SR. But it would still be way better to have a number which moved up or down after every match. I suspect they removed it in order to rig the ranks though. I’ve ranked down on a positive win rate too, and then blizzard tell us all they look at is wins and losses. Something doesn’t add up.

I know right? I had a game earlier where my tank was masters 3, I thought great, they’ll know what they’re doing - sets up on junkertown payload when the rest of the team is on high ground spamming fall back. Dies within 10 seconds. Comes back, dies again then quits the game. How are these players getting these ranks?

so i’m not sure but i read the thread and what can you guess, i’m still hardstuck in B4 and B5 in competitive and whenever i play in quickmatches i get paired with gold and plat players whenever I check their profiles. how is this skill division working if I’m still stuck in bronze in competitive even if I win 5 matches consecutively

Pure garbage matchmaking again. Reminds me the start of season 3 when they tweaked mm and boosted bunch of bronze/silvers to diamonds/masters…

A) This is assuming that previous SR links to the new system as well as the fact you can’t calculate your SR this using this percentage - though the bands are out of a hundred the amount of people within the bands are not so it’s actually giving you a percentile. To know what your SR is you would need to know what everyone’s ranks are to compare to yours. Based on even distribution 68 percent of people would sit between 2432 and 2468 to be better than 60 percent would actually put your SR lower than 2460 however, to actually predict this you would need to know the distribution curve which you do not. Within Bronze 5 this gap is bigger as the band is from 0 SR to 1099 SR with (even distribution assumed) 68% being within 351SR and 702SR so it is a bigger deal for people placed in Bronze 5 as everyone would agree a skill difference of a 500SR is a big gap. Anyways that was a slight math side note.

B) You missed the point of the post. Blizzard have stated that ‘It is possible for players to have a positive win/loss record, but not go up a skill division because the progress occurs entirely within a single division. This new message will allow players to see that they did in fact make positive progress, just not enough to reach a new skill tier or division.’ Fair enough…my friend with a 10/7 win loss went down with even their progress indicator within the band and not showing
any positive progress at all which is demoralising. Even on the old system would have shown roughly a 75 SR increase. Now, there is nothing tangible for player to work towards as it is hidden from you which I do understand the reasons why as people can get caught up on numbers but it’s making the new ranking system more arbitrary than the previous one. The old ranking system had its flaws but you could see from the amount of SR you gained or lost within a game roughly how the game was rating your performance within its parameters. The new system just seems a bit random and not helpful for improvement in play in anyway and just increases tilting and toxicity. Further more with the change from 5 to 6 players, it’s harder to carry a team in tank and support so you are more likely to lose. It honestly would not surprise me if Blizzard forgot to change the competitive parameters to account for the loss of a tank with statistics. Even if the new competitive gave you a more specific positive and negative to your play such as ‘you healed more that 68% of players but you died more than 85%’ would be better than giving you a percentile within players at your rank as it is meaningless ranking you against other players with no meaning behind it.

C) We had several games where it placed us with damage and tanks with platinum and diamond level role challenger titles so either matchmaking is still not following the correct perimeter, there is not enough players within the tier for a fair game or hidden MMR is seriously out of whack with competitive ranking by about 2000SR for the game to be placing a bronze 5 support with previous diamond and platinum players.

I just want Blizzard to fix it so we can keep enjoying the game. There is obviously something that Blizzard can’t or won’t fix or something not aligning properly or things that don’t fit their parameters properly which is causing bugs/ skews or glitches when ranking.

I would also like to remind Blizzard that they seem to only be pleasing the top 5% of their player base with 13.5% getting royally screwed from this system and 68% who can rank up but only temporarily leading to a very unhappy 82.5% of the player base.

I don’t get this consistently. I’ve only had it once I’m on console. Unsure whether this is actually due to new players on competive who have not ranked in their role as the old system wouldn’t tell you if someone hadn’t ranked.

It is the same system underneath. Each division = 100sr. It’s not an assumption. Better than 60% of players will just mean you’re 60% the way through the division, or 60sr. The devs cut corners at every opportunity and are extremely bad at explaining what is actually going on. Eg, they call it a rank adjustment when it is actually an update. Your rank is adjusted after every game because it is just the same old system underneath. It’s updated to the player after 5 wins.

Yes, eg you were gold 1 (2450sr), won 5 but lost 4 and remained gold 1 (2475sr). Now all it will do is replace “you’re better than 50% of players” with “you’re better than 75% of players”. I guarantee it’s just worded badly. Instead of you’re better it should just be a percentage the way though the rank. But I supposed “better” is again focusing on players feeling good about being good and winning. The same reason they don’t show losses and when forced into it by the community it’s a tiny text hidden away with the focus still on your 5 wins.

The titles are broken. role challenger can mean any role, and there’s been many examples of players being awarded the wrong title or gaining a role challenger title for open queue. My alt account got master role challenger for being masters 5 in open queue. my main account got no role title despite being diamond in open queue and plat in role queue at the end of the season.

I agree. We will end up on life support like OW1 before much longer. I don’t understand their thinking at all. It seems like they want the game to appeal to casual players and pro alike. Which doesn’t work. I would have thought they would have learned that over the last 6 years.

Lol, I added this to my post at the top yesterday. They are only a few minor steps away from just showing the SR number again xD. It would be so helpful if they just show the actual current right now status of my SR any time I want. Not every 5/wins/15 losses. C’mon blizzz…

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Exactly right. They could have both. Or just show a gauge moving between the two divisions after every match. I suppose the real reason they don’t do that though is they want the match update to be the battlepass, so they can show all the stuff you’re missing out on if you’ve not bought it yet :man_facepalming:

Maybe if we buy the battlepass we can replace that with a rank update? That would sell more premium battle passes than the tat they fill it with.


Lol yeah: “Want to see your rank in real-time instead of every 5 wins or 15 losses? Buy our battlepass and we will update you after every game!!”.

They created this system to fight toxicity but I have never been so toxic about something related to Overwatch in nearly 7 years lmaaoo

Haha. If they cared about toxicity they’d not be putting gold players with masters. They removed ranks from ingame. But then replaced it with rank titles anyway, that are basically the same but less accurate so cause more toxicity. They really can’t do anything right can they lol

I didn’t get rewarded for the rank I climbed to last season. Are they fixing the competitive rank issues that showed up this season?

Competitive has been a wild rollercoaster this season ngl…and it has only been 3 days. Example: I ended in GM5 in Open Queue last season, but when I started this new season it said I ended in Masters 1 which was also my rank pre-placements. Well, I just wrapped up my placements and got five wins and one loss and shot up straight to GM1. I’ve never moved so many tiers so I’m just confused about the whole thing.

Wait - what happened to Mystery Heroes Competitive? It wasn’t in the Arcade section like you put 4v4 competitive and 1v1 competitive, it was in the actual competitive menu. I was so happy, many of us were - for some, mystery heroes is all they play and having it competitive reinvigorated players - please, bring it back.

Remember the uprising when Mystery Heroes was removed from arcade and how quickly it was brought back when you found out how many people play it? Please, it’s not harming the already biased regular 2-2-2 and open queue ranks, let us have some mystery heroes fun again.

I was deranked to bronze 5 support at start of season 4.

I get paired with bad team mates who consistently dive on point solo or play bad dps, but I still managed to consistently get the top healing/damage of all support rolls in each game. I go 5 wins and 4 losses and I DONT CHANGE RANK AT ALL. I GO FROM BRONZE 5 TO BRONZE 5.

You deranked me to bronze 5, and I’m unable to play comp with my friends (all of which are only silver), and I’m unable to rank up in solo queue EVEN THOUGH MY COMPARATIVE SUPPORT STATS ARE BETTER THAN MOST THAT I PLAY WITH/AGAINST WITH A POSITIVE WIN/LOSS MARGIN.

It doesn’t make sense and it’s not fun. I can’t play with my friend and this game is starting to feel like crap.

there is something I really don’t get here.

I won 5 games and lost 1, got deranked from B4 to B5, and got the message that I am in the lowest point (or something like that). This means that (I don’t know how), the number of SR points gained during those 5 wins was lower that the points I lost on that solo lose. It’s fine, I don’t mind that, let’s assume they did the right job.

After that derank, I got 5 wins and 2 lose and remained at the same rank, with that EXACT message saying that I am at the lowest point. Then another 5 wins and 2 lose, and the same message. So basically, I won 15 games and lost 5, but somehow, my SR is still under 100. How is this even possible? U get only one point on wins and 5 points on lose or are they really bad at math? Because even if I am still in B5, after wining 10 games, I assumed I’ll get a message that I am better than x%. But nope. According to them, I am still down there, on the lowest of the lowest.