Overwatch 2 Competitive concerns... Am I really Bronze 5?

Hi everyone (intense eye contact with Blizzard),

So I have been playing OW2 since launch and the gameplay has been mostly positive. I don’t have much issues with heroes (I don’t play at a high level b5 player here), Meta comps don’t really affect me too much, and I have enjoyed playing the game. However, I am not enjoying everything outside of gameplay.

Now your prolly wondering why this post is in the bug section. Welp guys I’m bronze 5. Now I’m not the type to complain about my rank if that’s what I am. But I’ve played support for nearly 100 games. AND I AM STILL BRONZE 5. WHAT AM I DOING WRONG? Now my win loss ratio isn’t good, so I was understanding at first. I’m at 45 wins and 61 losses. So I said okay whatever maybe I need to focus on getting better. But I’ve been playing with my friends and gf and their win loss is even worse than mine and they’re still climbing. WERE PLAYING THE SAME GAMES AND IM STILL B5??? SAME EXACT GAMES… I’m not trying to say I deserve a higher rank. But I dont get it? There is no official explanation on how ranked works. There are so many videos of people explaining it but not a single person works at Blizzard.

Blizzard. How can I get better? How can i measure my progress as a competitive player. I want to feel like I am getting better if im performing better. But I have to wait 7-20 games just to find out im still b5. I have not moved. I even tried playing other roles. BUT STILL BRONZE 5. If it was the old system with sr i could gauge how many games i have to play to prove to myself that im better… But at this point its a guessing game! Someone please point me to an official blizzard employee telling me how the competitive system works. Then I can be at ease knowing it’s a me problem vs a problem at the game. I find more comfort knowing I need to exponentially improve vs there may be a bug with the system.

Sorry if this sounded like a rant but im frustrated being in b5 and seeing people that are literally playing with me and im outperforming consistently, climb the ranks…

If it makes you feel any better I won 6 placements in a row, have a 70% winrate on DPS and got placed Silver 4.

I am Plat 1 support.

Here is my question. Do you feel like you have an accurate representation of where you belong, and do you feel like your performance justifies your rank.

Considering I have carried the last 6 or so games playing DPS I would say definitely not. I am a Plat support, was diamond in OW1 but am in no way a Silver 4 dps.

And when I say “carry” I mean like actually carry, not your typical egotist who thinks they are carrying every game they play. But at least I am climbing pretty fast since the game has obviously realised they placed me too low.

I’ve seen a lot of people saying climbing out of Bronze 5 is incredibly hard though and a lot of people there probably don’t deserve to be there.

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That’s my thing, People are saying stats matter so much but there isn’t any consistent proof of anything. Blizzard devs are so lazy with communication.

I think your best chance of getting out of Bronze 5 is playing DPS or maybe tank. If your teammates are truly Bronze 5, there is very little you can do as a support that is going to be game changing.

I agree, I was Dimond 2 in overwatch 1 yet a bronze 5 on ow2? I could barley climb out of gold due to bad teams yet hit dimond now I gotta climb from bronze relying on trash teams? Thats just wrong.