I’ve been playing since day one. I probably have about 20 some hours in, and my career stats say 47 minutes, I probably have my 50 wins already to unlock competitive career stats say 7 wins. I know I’m not the only one with that his issue, any idea when this will be fixed? I really hope all that time played I have an all the wins I have are at least counting….
This is also happening to me, only it’s not showing any of my stats at all from my Overwatch 1 play. It’s just a static set of stats that doesn’t update and shows my most played hero as Soldier, when all I’ve been playing for the past few years is Lucio, D.Va and other healers.
Similar issue is happening to me on PS4. It is showing my overwatch 1 stats for sure (40 hours as junkrat). But I’m playing as new characters in Overwatch 2 and it’s showing 5 minutes of play time despite playing 10+ games with them.
Also having issues (Xbox)
I’ve played well over 50 games as Junker Queen and my current season stats are all at 0… as if I’ve not played this season at all!
Also seem to be stuck in bronze 5 despite winning 7 matches multiple times.
Let’s not even talk about how messed up my stats are from ow1…
Really frustrating tbh. Hope this gets fixed.
I’d like to point out that my stats seem to be decreasing over time. I made a post about it but apparently it disappeared. It had me at 117hrs played but then 160 down to 147hrs. While I’d hate to admit Symmetra is my fav to use she went from having my most hours which was around 40+ to just 4hrs. That and her elims dropped from just over 500 down to 380 and highest kill streak of 41 down to 21. A few of my other characters have the same issue but surprisingly my McCree gained a few hours. Now the only thing that improves is my hours played but nothing for wins, elims, games played, games won and my competitive stats are at 0 when I’ve played for at least 4 days 3hrs each. Got my sad bronze rank for healer and attacker but nothing to show for it.
I had heard a recent uodate was supposed to fix the broken bronze issue but I’m not so quite sure.
My stats have been decreasing too. In OW1, I had 24 hours as Orisa. Eventually it went down to 22, then 20. The stats for games I’ve been playing don’t increase either, despite me restarting the game multiple times.
I’m also having this issue, I had over 100 hours on roadhog and mei but now it says that I only have 20 - 30+ hours on both of them, also my competitive is for some reason my most played game mode with 199 hours and quick play with only 29 hours which is wild, also I have done my healer placements but it says I haven’t played anyone this season but says that I have placed
I’m experiencing a similar issue. I know I have hundreds of hours played but my stats show 74. I’m placed in support but it shows I’ve won 0 games with no time played on any character. Stats page shows I have 0hrs of comp but I have the seasonal challenge unlocked.
Am I wasting my time?
Yeah my friend and I have been playing Overwatch 2 for hours. Ive played Moira alot and we won atleast 20+ games but it says he has 4 wins and I have only 45 min as Moira. It also said I played 430 games and apparently won 404 of them. Im decent at the game but I’m not that good at the game. Everytime I play my wins go down as well like I’m at 364 wins now. Definitely needs some maintainence.
I have been playing comp, went from silver, gold, and now plat. My stats are still at 0 no progress at all, as if i didn’t play comp at all. I already won 20+ matches and it shows 0 games won. Really confuse with the career stats
Also got this problem, can see my normal stats just not my competitive stats (the ones I care about). Anyone got any update on this?
I’m having the same issue, both Xbox and PS5. The current competitive season still shows zero stats whatsoever.
I’m having the same issue on the PC
Update to my earlier post regarding being stuck in bronze 5 / no stats recording for any playtime in the competitive role queue:
I created a support ticket and this was the response I got, along with a link to launch related issues forum, and a link to unable to log into your battle.net account
If you appear to be missing all your Overwatch progress, make sure that you are logging into the correct Battle.netaccount and that you have merged any console accounts with Overwatch progress to your Battle.net account. Unless you are logging in to the correct account and have the correct console accounts merged to it, you will not see your cosmetic items.
Literally just avoiding the issue of bronze 5/no career stats altogether, not once in my ticket did I mention missing skins
And yes, I have been logging in correctly to my account and it has been merged correctly…
I give up
I also have 0 minutes played in the current competitive season even though I’ve played lots. I’ve tried closing and reseting the game but even after playing a game it’s still showing 0 minutes played. I just opened a ticket about the issue today. I hope this gets fixed soon and all the games I’ve played werent for nothing.
Same, have probably 50+ hours already in the current competitive season. It shows no stats still on Xbox.
Same here. It really sucks
Same issue, thats how i feel too
Well, looks like they lost two weeks’ worth of data. LMAO, what a royal mess. Addressing Career Profile Stats for Console Players
And it will take a couple more weeks to fix the issue.
How did you open a ticket? When i tried to it kept redirecting to the forum to post a bug.