OverWatch 2 & Borders

About a week ago another thread was talking about the border shaming that presents itself in the toxic parts of the community. Someone mentioned that in OW2 papa Jeff said that they were gonna do away with the Level Borders.

I’m super fond of the Borders. I think they look super cool (I’m super close to my diamond one) and I think they’re something to be proud of.

Can we not do away with them?


gonna miss saying “imagine your rank being your level xd”

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I always thought that people who bordershame are just poor flies.


Jeff more specifically said they’re going to replace the border system with a new system that represents a player’s time invested in the game. Borders might be going away, but there will be a different system to do much the same thing.

I’m not very fond of the border system since it doesn’t really reveal too much and no one takes notice unless you’ve got a super high level border. So I look forward to pretty much any change, hopefully something with customizability.


I would prefer customized borders, I want a torb or junkrat themed border to go with my portrait.

The bronze/silver/gold thing is just lame.


Such a shame they are going away. I love my border design and it grew to become a part of my identity. I know Jeff said he was replacing borders with a new (and I’m guessing more out-of-the-sight+mind system to track your time spent in the game) but it would be really cool if your highest-earned portrait design was available for, at your personal option, being locked as your permanent portrait border for OW2, to show off to everyone of your accomplished dedication to the first game.

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I hate the borders.
I would play the game more if I knew that every level I gain wasn’t going to add some ugly starts and flashy border advertising your playtime to everyone.
I’ve actually reserved the time I play this game to mostly events and doing just placements because of the borders.

Is there an underlying reason there?

Is it that you genuinely find the borders to be gaudy & unattractive or do you avoid playing in places with them on display for toxicity reasons?

they r gonna make borders customizable with many stuff u unlock through your playtime. They r gonna look cooler + no one will be able to bordershame anymore

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Both actually. I hate to level up. Getting lootboxes is cool but knowing that just because i bought the game at launch, my border is super flashy with a million stars, is a color that attracts the eye, and it only get worst the higher you go is dumb to me.
I actually bought another account just for this reason.

I wish it was like DIablo 3 ( Another blizzard game). Where you can choose what border to use and you unlock them as you level up and even special ones during events. And you have the choice to use the level 1 border or the level 2000 border or anything in between.

I dont care IF people know my level or rank, but having a huge billboard advertising those things when people are not even looking for those things is dumb imo.

When they can’t think of anything else and they default to a circumstance that harbors many possibilities… they discredit themselves more than the person they are “attacking” (and really lazily attacking). Flies indeed.

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I see you.

I’m personally very fond of the flashy-ness. But I’ve been on something of a competitive journey that has you going up and down in rank all the time & I settled on the flashy-ness of my border being my mark of success.

From the sounds of other posts & input it looks like they might do what you were saying about Diablo; choosing borders and having more than just a “time played” border.

As for the toxic side of the question & issue; I wish people were less pissant.

It’s a shame it isn’t one or two groups of people who identify as this… you know? That we could just address them and say “Hey you angry dorks, calm down.”

Instead we get children, unstable adults, people with cognitive disabilities, drunks or drug users, people who have just simply had a bad day, people who break once and didn’t even mean to but were just mad in all of the above categories… some are probably good people who even feel bad after… so many people… the problem is always so many people…

We need a new plague.

EDIT: I don’t list the demographics above in a judgmental sense, I play drunk and high all the time I’m fairly sure I’m on spectrum and I break all the time.

Lol, the plague is here!

I feel for all of what you said & thats where emotional resilience comes in. The community is toxic, a lot of layers feed into why, and the best thing is to focus on the self & shake off people’s attempts to emotionally tilt a player.

Kids cartoons that stick with you for life:

(Don’t trust the first link you see, but I’m not changing it)

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I understand why they are going away but im personally going to miss them. I liked earning a new star/plating for reaching level 100 again…

They should just put in a option to hide or show your border.