Overwatch 2 Beta: Week One Developer Blog


The current week one ow2 beta Guardian Angel’s auto super jump is perfect just the way it is. Please do not change my favorite change of the beta. anyone complaining they were having trouble hasn’t spent the 5 minutes to understand how amazing it is. first, toggle guardian angel needs to be off. then all you do is keep holding down the guardian angel button until you super jump when you make contact or let go of the guardian angel button before you make full contact with your target to not super jump. it is very simple when you learn and I finally enjoy mercy now that this amazing tech has been embraced. please don’t go in the opposite direction

No stop trying to change Mercy’s mobility. Revert it back to normal and how it is on OW1. Stop this, it is not rocket science ffs.


My pearls remain tightly clutched.

He’s not terrible in the right hands, just not as oppressive anymore

turn toggle guardian angel OFF
to super jump, hold down guardian angel button the whole time
to not super jump, let go of guardian angel button before the end of the traversal

How to fix Overwatch

Two healers are so bad for role queue competitive, its not fun and its hard to kill enemies, make it 1 3 1 instead (DPS heroes are the most fun to watch and play )

, then remove the heal packs, and make [Auto] heal for all if they didn’t take dmg for 2 or 3 or 4 sec

. With this ability ppl won’t be waiting or begging for heals or going for heal packs . Also the open queue will be way better even if there’s no healers in the team , (flexing between rules is so enjoyable).

And you can remove the rule queue if the queues are still taking long time to wait.

Sorry my English is bad, I hope you got my idea :bulb:

A solution for the Mercy “super jump”.
How about the “super jump” activates only if the player performs a dobble jump?

“Guardian-angle” performs absolutly normal and when the player presses 2 times the jump button the “super jump” will be executed.

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Please, please, I beg. Leave Mercy’s mobility the bug version. Patch 1 version was terrible. Patch 2 version was terrible. Patch 3 version also sounds terrible. I’ll give it a shot, but, I’m confident my feedback will be the same:

Mercy is built around mobility and being able to master her movement. There’s a pile of videos and even silver players can super jump effectively. There’s piiiiiles of custom games to practice and teach super jump, hops, and everything. Please do not destroy the community sharing and learning for mastering Mercy to try to make her ‘consistent’ or ‘approachable’. She IS consistent AND approachable because the community grew WITH the mobility bugs that have turned into her heart and soul not in spite of it.


I wonder why I’d hate a company that abuses its workers…hm.

Also, even if that weren’t the case, being a reductionist about why people dislike the current state of the game just kinda makes you look like a shill.

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“Super jump” was an “unintentional bug”. Mercies cant argue about that now.

Dva needs 50 more HP and her guns need a buff or tighten the spread. Junker Queen needs her self heal nerfed. Moria needs her dam nerfed.

Some of us have been playing Blizzard games long before some of you were even thought of.

We’ve seen the company they used to be and have witnessed how far they’ve fallen.
Made for gamers, by gamers” used to be the motto. Now it feels like it’s just people who do a job because they want a paycheck and nothing more. There’s no passion in it.

This is my opinion, of course. You’re welcome to your own.

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bruh they literally said after the first beta they were going to experiment with removing the slow from slam to see how it worked chill

Blizzard keeps talking about a “mid-cycle patch” but unless this patch is tomorrow the beta will be much more than halfway done by the time the patch is out.

Anyways Blizzard, remember when the blog post with the win rates came out, and we saw Sym near the top for win rates, but was literally the least played hero, even when weighted? And everybody, even yourselves, realized that it was because Symmetra is only played in very specific situations, so she wasn’t nearly as strong as the chart might have indicated? If you KNEW why she looked stronger than she was, why the hell did you nerf her so much? Is there a horrible communication issue within Blizzard, where one person evaluates statistics and writes blog posts, and another person who doesn’t talk to the first one is in charge of making balance changes?

Symmetra’s charge shot either needs to charge WAY faster than it does now, or it needs to do MINIMUM 115 damage. Imagine playing Symmetra and trying to duel, say, a Cassidy. Even after the changes listed in the blog, she’s still nerfed compared to Live.

Also, you’re trying to turn the teleporter into some kind of quick or emergency movement option, but even if the cast time were instant, it still 3 different button inputs to ready, place, then activate the teleporter. It is not designed to be used in this way. You need to listen to feedback and replace this ability. I know you’re sick of redesigning Symmetra over-and-over, but you can’t just abandon her with lower-effort changes.


I get that, I really do, but a lot of people in the community hate on the game simply just to hate on it. No real reason. They hate everything Overwatch, yet play it 6 hours a day.

I’m more annoyed with those people, not the people who have been fans of the company for a long time who eventually disliked them (for good reasons).


Yes, Please make his E block 100% of incoming damage.

Oh yeah, let me complain about Doomfist too.

Doomfist is garbage. Yeah, people are using him in OWL, but he’s not exactly dominant there (WINSTON is the one who’s in every match, and he didn’t get nerfed!) Outside of OWL, he’s one of the worst tanks in the game, and was only played regularly because of the massive changes he got (and some very dedicated Doomfist mains).

I’m not talking about the recent nerfs. I’m talking about Doomfist in Beta 1. If he was garbage before, he’s unplayable now. Removing the slow might have been healthy for people playing against him, but if you’re going to do that you needed to have provided compensatory buffs. Again, as with Symmetra, you’ve nerfed a hero who needed to be buffed.

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I bet you’re an absolute blast at parties!

Actually yes I am. :slight_smile:

Not sure which feedback category to put this in, but for the role queue mode I recommend that enemy team stats be hidden as this created a very frustrating meta where teams will spend the match monitoring the performance of enemy support and just dive whoever is to put it bluntly, carrying.