Overwatch 2 Beta: Week One Developer Blog

Hmm nothing really interesting here. I agree about JQ. the sym comments are perplexing and she’s in an embarrassing state. could not possibly care less about mercys jump.

Doom doesn’t feel like doom. visual/audio clutter is a HUGE problem right now.


Here’s to hoping the new changes to Mercy fix the motion sickness issue with the yeeting you about like a ragdoll. That’s the problem at the moment because the SJ into new GA into SJ into GA is incredibly sick.

Would prefer it if you could just toggle whether you wanna SJ or not on your own terms.


This is seriously the most disturbing post I’ve seen on here - and people like this!

We need to shut down these forums.


Please make any more GA changes you do for Mercy toggle-able. I don’t have a problem with making superjump less of a bug and more of an ability, but I would honestly rather use the old system with all of its inconsistencies purely due to the level of control I have over it.

The new change they’re proposing sounds better than the one in the beta right now, but I’m still hesitant. I will try it, but honestly changes to GA is not what Mercy needs. OW2 so far is proving that supports need changes. In my opinion, she needs either a burst heal or a cleanse to be able to keep up with other heroes such as Ana, because her nade in a game which now has shifted away from shields has proven to be oppressive. I don’t necessarily think Ana needs nerfs, rather that the other supports need to be brought to her level. Nerfing Ana will not help how dismal playing support feels sometimes.

As for Symmetra, she needs major help. Her abilities either need to be brought in line with the rest of the DPS roster or she needs to be placed back with the supports with an entirely different outlook on her kit. I’m sure Symm players are getting tired of having the character reworked all the time. There are lots of things that could be done with her, but your best bet would be to listen to the people who play her already.


It is behind you, many players are still waiting patiently for our WHOLE WEEKEND TO PLAY. Just so we are only slightly disappointed in what is ready. What is still broke, and what is a deemed a failure.


So… not a lot of people, then?

Joking aside, they really do need to have the existing roster ironed out before October. At the very least, they need to address the 7-8 heroes that aren’t up to the “new” standard.

[Self Note: 3200th post.]

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I mean, you guys know that Mercys GA was never the problem, nor needed changes, but it is in fact POCKETING that needs to be looked at instead?

Remember, Mercy is advertised to be a Main healer/ Protector type hero, not a DPS sidekick. I would like to see changes done to not only stop mercy from being reliant on pocketing, but to see how other heroes that REQUIRE it to be changed as well.

Remember, back in the day, Mercy used damage boost as an incentive to be used AFTER a team health check, now that shes been nerfed to shy away from healing, and damage boost is nearly the same as it was, on the addition of other healers who are just much better at healing (which doesnt make sense lore wise), what else does she have besides the right click + shift meta? How is that healthy game design for such a beloved hero?

Im also very much tired of switching to hitscan just because the presence of pharmercy, its incredibly unfun to play against.


I was expecting some comments on the queues, as many Doomsayers were claiming that the times were insane but no comments on it … woot ? :rofl:


Im glad you guys are at least doing some changes, but can you guys please get more player specified feedback? These changes (specifically mercy and sym) are just straight up boring tbh. These heroes are fragile heroes, meaning that the smallest buff can make them meta and I understand you are taking precaution, however, the changes that are being made are instead aggravating players and make the character more clunky and simply worse. I would like to see some more legitimate changes that affect general playstyle and/or ability usage from the community. I think going outside of blizzard forums and checking twitter, youtube, and reddit could honestly give you (the developers) some inspo as to what direction the COMMUNITY want to see these heroes go in (obviously hero balance is a priority don’t go too crazy LOL <3). These changes are honestly just not exciting (as a 4100 support player and occasional sym player). And it is a little tasteless considering all of the feedback you have been given about these two specific heroes and there place in OW1. Thank you for your time <333


Symmetra will not survive with the minute number alterations, her kit requires a full rework, she is simply not keeping up with the current state of the OW2 beta, her current kit is not sustainable for long term play in the scene of the fast-paced nature of Overwatch 2.

Either give her that full rework to address her glaringly obvious problems, or kill off the hero entirely. As she is right now, she is, by far, the weakest hero is the history of Overwatch.


the bad thing is that they need to approve patch for consoles before it comes out on pc due to cross-play, it takes longer patch period than the previous one which was just for pc, certification patch on consoles might take 24~~ 48 business hours to be approved

Thanks for the blog & great work Dev team :slight_smile:

Loving the beta and can’t wait for the new support :slight_smile:


The forums certainly need more moderation at the very least. This used to be a halfway decent place :slight_smile: Now it’s mostly full of bad faith trolls who sneer & connive in private discords


Every single game I’ve got in the beta has a Genji and an Ana so boring ngl

I’m starting not to like OW2 because the same few heroes every single game and this is just “QP” so imagine what competitive is gonna be like lol.

This will absolutely be the case. Its really depressing how clearly lost this team is when it comes to game balance/vision.

No mention of Sombra.

Welp, Sombros, this is the end for us.

Can’t wait for more mercy players complaining on the forums.

I for one, appreciate the Symmetra changes. Reducing cast time on teleporter is a HUGE boon to her, as is not having to find shields to conserve ammo with primary fire.

However I do gotta question the turret changes. I believe lowering the slow effect on them should be compensated with more damage since people can get away from them easier. The increase in turret travel speed makes the timing for blocking High Noon with a turret more tricky.

You realise this is a text version of a meme video from twitter right? What is with the pearl clutching because you didn’t get a reference lol