Overwatch 2 Beta Twitch Drops Troubleshooting - UPDATED INFO

I started up Final Fantasy 9 for the first time and my god… these controls are terrible! I can’t even remap sprint to Shift nor Menu to Esc…

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Same here, I was on the correct account and same e-mail but for some reason had a different number attached to my username on twitch (#22018 or something compared to #1407). Realized this after the drop was claimed. So I disconnected and reconnected my blizzard account on the connections page on twitch and then it updated to the correct account and number as it shows on battlenet. I think my key got lost in the void because its been 2 hours and my friend that claimed his drop after me got in after 15 minutes.



The whole beta experience has been quite a hussle. I just want to try it after a stressful week of work. );

For anyone worrying about twitch not showing up as “connected” on battle.net after you’ve already claimed OW2 on twitch don’t worry! I hadn’t connected it on battle.nets end until afterwards and I’ve just gotten the beta!


Hey, I have claimed the drop 40 min ago and still nothing in battle net, my account has the correct name and tag but it says it is linked to europe whilist in battle net it says it is connected to the USA

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i knew you’re just waiting for people to just give up and sleep, you have no intention of letting anybody else in tonight. what a joke.

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2 hours in…
———————————No beta?———————————


I literally watched the same stream with a friend… he got in like 30 secs after claiming the drop while I, 2 hrs later, can’t even install it


Gave me a good chuckle

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Same happened to a lot of us. I feel you :worried:


If(drop) { beta.enable == true} cmon blizzard


its genuinely sad seeing this guy have to keep responding to people saying “lol idk man ask blizzard” for ~448 posts so far. who put this man on babysitting forum duty. i would walk out if i had to sit through this from wyom’s POV

blizzard really just spitting on every player for fun rn. imagine how many headaches could’ve been avoided. like every single person mad in this thread could’ve had a good day today if they just gave us beta access without making us advertise for them first



At 17:05 I claimed my drop. Nothing for an hour. Then followed all the instructions, from deleting the cache, restarting the computer, checked for updates… nada. And the account link is correct because the DII beta access is still on my claims list and I only have on account. :slight_smile:

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This is an absolute joke, I knew what would happen after the selection injustice on the 26th, if you don’t fix it in the next few hours and we receive the beta, you can now open it for everyone because this is pathetic!

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two hours since drop claimed. made sure bnet account was linked on twitch before watching as I knew i had changed my name recently. did not realize u could also connect twitch on ur bnet account. connected there too an hour after claiming. still no access :frowning:

No access after an hour still waiting.


Claimed the beta key on twitch, but forgot to connect the blizzard account to the new name (same account). It’s been probably 30 minutes since i swapped it on twitch and bnet account to twitch. Hopefully its just late but im losing hope


Sooooo entitled oh my Lord

Please take a second to chill out and realise they don’t HAVE to give you anything lmao

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They should’ve done this in the first place instead of making everyone viewbot for them. Scummy company

Both accounts linked. Been over an hour. Honestly worried it’s not going to hit.