Overwatch 2 Beta Twitch Drops Troubleshooting - UPDATED INFO

Is there anything at all that the consumer side can do? anything? I’ve just been sat at my desk since I got off work.

this does nothing. purely coincidence unfortunately

yo this is actually kind of sick

while that may also be correct, that you can’t link a brand new account, what i said is correct. i just confirmed it on the battle net website. when clicking “disconnect” i’m given this prompt: "Are you sure you want to disconnect your Twitch account?

Warning, there will be a 7 day cooldown before you can connect a new Twitch account."

do not disconnect your accounts from each other.

I linked my twitch account to battle net way before 2021. I just recently (few hours ago) linked my battle net account to twitch. No idea why or when this became a two-way process.


if you messed up this bad where i work you would be fired


I think its safe to say… don’t give out beta access like this EVER again.

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this did not work for me i just tried

Praise the green! A beacon of hope in these dark times.


Okay so I tried “Scan and Repair” because I’m bored and now I’m constantly getting a “WHOOPS! SOMETHING WENT WRONG” and it’s stuck on “UPDATE” and repeats endlessly. I even turned off my anti-virus. What now LOL

Let’s go 8 hour gang! Props to the tech support for actually caring if people get in or not. The beta still ain’t appearing for me

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Break into a streamer’s house and play on their pc.

riot and ask for lootboxes :smiley:

No changes. Except for actually connecting Battle.net from the site itself to twitch.

my friends felt sorry for me and offered me to play on their accounts since they played all day and are going to bed but i declined because i don’t want them banned for account sharing. :clown_face:

:frowning: They don’t have any golden guns.

Well looks like i will become the part of day 2 gang,hope will have beta access when wake up sadge:(


We have worked through most troubleshooting steps I typically recommend to no avail for most who are still here.

Right now, Andy is likely working with the Blizzard Product Team and BattleNet team to figure out things they can see on their end that can explain why many of you don’t seem to have it. They are probably looking at your account and comparing it to their reported stats from the Drops Enabled event today on Twitch and seeing what issues may still be happening. Even if they do find an issue, it may be a matter of getting eligible names back into the queue to deliver the drop to the account.


Well now I truly feel left out

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Thank you. If yall decide to stop for the night, at least let us know like “We’re still dedicated to making sure everyone who claimed the drop gets access, but we’re putting our process on hiatus until XX:XX tomorrow morning ETS (or whatever time zone). We apologize for yadda yadda and signing off”

So at least I’m not sitting here like a schmuck still expecting it tonight.