Overwatch 2 Beta Twitch Drops Troubleshooting - UPDATED INFO

Oh my god …… more waiting for nothing to happen

7 hour gang!! Unite!

Never changed my account,ever.
Account has been linked for years.

My twitch was linked to my battle.net account to claim the first round of prime lootboxes, I believe from last month. I did notice I had to re-link it earlier today about 5 mins after the event began for the beta drop (I also received this month’s round of lootboxes today). I linked my twitch on my BattleNet account approximately 30 mins after claiming the drop earlier today as I didn’t realize it was needed prior based on instructions given.

Me and my wife both have been waiting 7 hours. We didn’t have our twitch account linked through bnet when we claimed it on twitch, but did that about 3 hours ago. However, our daughter also didn’t have her account linked in bnet and DID get access.

Nothing has changed since even before that, the only change was to battletag but it was around the DVA skins.
Edit: it also allowed me to claim the 2 legendary lootbox and that one did show immediately, it was done as soon after claiming the beta.

I am leaving my battle tag here in case someone sees that can fix, i cannot remember when i linked my battkenet with twitch but i did get the legendary loot boxes for this month so i know its linked to the correct account Kylespark#1773

If the next round of checking doesn’t bear any fruit, is there any way we could manually confirm with someone that we’re linked and earned Beta Access? Screenshots or something? I feel like most people here could provide the burden of proof that we earned access if need be, especially for people like me who have their beta access right next to a Code of Violence spray that was delivered without issue in Drops inventory.


I did change my name in 2020 but linked afterwards.

Patience is a Virtue thank you for the communication team. and thank you to the new friends i made here! best of luck to everyone here and dont lose the faith! ill be popping up to check in! good luck everyone!!! <3

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Hi, still no access for me. I have made sure that my accounts are connected on both Twitch and Battlenet. I have received drops in the past with no issues.

What is my next move?

I briefly disconnected my account on the twitch side maybe ~30 minutes ago hoping it might help but it seems that was a bad idea, whoops. I’ve had my accounts linked since at least OWL 2018 judging by the sprays in my hero gallery.

mine just came in,
installing now.

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No idea when I linked it but probably over year ago at least. I got the Ashe drops from June 2021 just fine.

no, i did not participate in the challenge. I linked my account last night

Yes, I have all of the Reaper Code of Violence sprays. They show up in my Twitch inventory and are unlocked in Overwatch, and I can equip them.

OW2 PVP Beta Access also appears in my Twitch inventory, but it still doesn’t appear as a version in my game launcher.

The only thing that I did was change my email a while back. Not sure exactly when that was, and when I linked my account to Twitch it was probably the older email I used to sign in.

So they are rerunning the list that missed all of us the first time around? Sounds like we get to wait another 7+ hours for a “hope this works” fix. :roll_eyes:

edit: grammar

if I can just get a single Sojourn headshot before midnight (3 hours) I’ll be happy.

Finally in! 7 hour gang i send you love and ggs thanks for keeping company

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I’m in finally.

Thank you guys! See you on the other side.

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