I literally downloaded Overwatch 2 for the first time ever about 1 week ago. Played a total of 2 times in total, in which I never used in game chat or a mic…. Come to my next time attempting to play, I find my account to be locked out. Not sure how or why that would have happened.
Every-time I go to load up Overwatch 2 on my Xbox series X, it goes from “connecting” to a red page that says “Error Account Locked.”
Any and immediate help would be greatly appreciated.
You’d have to contact Blizzard by submitting a ticket.
The following information is both my Battle.net and Xbox Info so that hopefully this can and will be addressed ASAP.
Xbox - Saauuceyyy
Battle.net - MikeyD215
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I have been struggling with this as well, for months now. I continue to get on the forums or contact support to hear back, and hear nothing. So frustrating.
I have been playing this game for years, no wonder it’s dead - support sucks, and they randomly lock players out!