Overwatch® 2: Watchpoint Pack- can't find it

Hi, bought the OW2 pack for the PC thinking to access it immediately to get a head start. Received email stating “You can access your Overwatch® 2: Watchpoint Pack the next time you log in to Overwatch.” I looked everywhere to download but cannot find anything. Yes, I clicked the Game Version tab, libary and other typical places. I bet it’s something simple I overlooked…Please advise. Thank you in advance~


Im having the same issue - did you ever find it?


Howdy Aqua,

The email is letting you know everything but he Beta is available. The Beta is currently scheduled for the 28th of June at around 11 am PST. This is subject to change so make sure to check the OW2 page if you still don’t have the beta on that date.

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“Includes immediate access to the Overwatch® 2 Beta and Overwatch® Legendary Edition” usually implies Immediate. I feel super swindled…


Immediate, when it’s live. In other words, you don’t need to wait for a wave of invites.

One thing I couldn’t figure out is we who already have the first Owerwatch should I buy Overwatch® 2: Watchpoint Pack or is it for new players? Because I already have Overwatch®: Legendary Edition and I don’t need Game 2. Something is wrong here with this upgrade.

Hi Nicole,
Anyone viewing the ad, which includes lawyers, (dont worry. I dont have money to hire lawyers lol) will agree that “immediate” means NOW or NEAR FUTURE. Not the 28th or whatever. I applied for Beta fairly late but waited a month or so without an acceptance email. I decided PAY to dive into OW2 Beta NOW before final. I also wanted to support the cause even though it’s going FTP. Sadness…

you bought a $40 pack, for beta access to a F2P game…?


Read my post carefully. I did not get an invite for Beta. I wanted to access before final. I also wanted to support the developers. Nuff said…However

You also get currency to purchase Battle Passes and also inclues 2 legindary skins blah blah. I don’t even know why ur concerned about how I spend my money.


Hey overwatch, i bought the overwatch 2 watchpoint pack for the early access and im still am unable to play the beta even though its the 28 of june ???


yeah i bought it two days ago, its the 28th. where’s my beta access??? also next time you guys need to word your stuff better when you’re charging me 60 canadian dollars. this is just nasty, im never buying stuff from blizzard ever again.


It looks like they’re trying to trick players, and each of us makes OW work with purchases.
Amazing that nowhere is there a time for the start of the game.

The 28th workday hasn’t even started for Blizzard employees. Likely going to be available sometime in the middle of their work day when they launch it. Right now it’s 412AM PST.

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Not trying to take sides or defend anyone here.

Personally, I feel the value is there and this is 100% my assumption on the value.

Battlepass 1 = $10
2000 Virtual currency = $20
2 legendary skins = $5 or $10 each

That’s $40 or $50 right there. OW1 and beta access are extra (unless if beta access is the main reason folks bought the pack).

I agree the description could have been better. It was written with the assumption that everyone watched the OW live stream on 6/16.


Same happen to me. Maybe it’s because it’s not 11 EST or something. OR we got swindled.

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Seriously guys, the beta goes live at 11am pacific, please read the info Blizz puts out before declaring doom and gloom…


Are you dense or something? Read notes first before screaming sky is falling. It goes live 11am PST which is 2pm EST for those who don’t know their time zones. Geez people get a grip.

Thank you. And this is the sort of intelligence we deal with in the game. lol

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Wow I paid $40 to beta test? I was under the impression I was pre-ordering the PvE (not free) portion of the game.

So just curious. Should I be able to install the beta at least? On my version list I only see Overwatch. There is no other options and I purchased the pack yesterday.

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