Overwatch® 2 Virtual Currency

I’m willing to bet even if you can convert it that the conversion rates won’t be very favorable to the player.

I suspect the same thing.

They made a point of giving OW2 currency a “new” name, which there is no reason to do if it’ll all be the same (OW1 currency = OW2 currency).

It’s a weird catch-22 for them though IMHO.
They need a way clear out the ton of coin long-time players like myself have accumulated, or else we’ll just come into OW2 and buy anything we want, and never “need” or have “want” to purchase OW2 currency for items for a long time. This will certainly hold true if you can purchase game passes with in game currency.

So just invalidating OW1 coin, and pointing out a TOS clause that states something like “You don’t own any in game item, and Blizz can change or remove any item at any time…yatta yatta yatta.” is certainly a possibility IMHO.

But that will rub a lot of people the wrong way, and come across as a little crass/corporate, especially to players who’ve stuck with OW since the very start. They would lose a lot of social capital with their player base, in an effort to increase their financial capital.

Yet the question remains. How will they deal with players with 100k+ OW1 coin, and all the skins and spays?

Someone will take the hit, and I suspect it won’t be Blizz.

how come there is still no official response to this mess, any twitter account we can contact?


I assume that credits will still be around to buy the standard set of skins for each character. I imagine the blue quality recolours will still be around. I reckon the old epic and legendaries could be accessible, too. I guess it’s possible that we could get Overwatch® 1 Virtual Currency simply by levelling up, instead of a lootbox. Outside of already existing OW1 loot, I believe that credits will be useless - but that’s still a LOT of loot for Johnny-Come-OW2 to acquire over time.

“Assume”, “imagine”, “reckon”, “guess”, “believe”…wouldn’t it be nice to actually know?

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Hahaha absolutely not. 2000 credits is part of the $40 watchpoint pack. There’s no way 2000 of the current credits is worth bumping up that price so high. My guess is 1000 credits is worth $10 and old credits will be retired.

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I’m not so sure that the old currency will be retired or converted. Allowing newcomers to earn old skins could be a way to get them to stick around and (from Blizzard’s point of view) a customer that sticks around could end up buying a battlepass or a store skin.

You have no idea what 2k credits is worth though. It might be $1 it might be $5 or $10 etc.

I think there might be different currencies adopted from other free to play games. You have the regular currency (earned from playing matches) where you can use to buy “standard” items and then you have the pay with real money currency for the “premium” items.

What’s the probability of Blizzard attaching a $1 equivalent into a $40 bundle? Common sense tells me it’s going to be valuable.

How much $$ is a player icon worth?

OW2 coins are going to be new. Earned through the battlepass or bought. There’s no way they will carry over any type of currency from ow1

Not much, which is why I anticipate these credits being quite valuable :stuck_out_tongue:

Which is exactly why it’s not gonna transfer over lol, the whole point of this new model is to make money which they won’t if everyone gets to keep their hundreds of thousands of coins :skull: some people have like 300k lol

Although they did just say this so idk:

h ttps://www.reddit.com/r/Games/comments/vicyeq/comment/idcgzhz/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3

“We’ll share a more detailed explanation on all of these topics before Overwatch 2 goes live in October. To give you a quick answer now though, those existing currencies (credits, OWL tokens, and competitive points) will come with you into Overwatch 2. We are not transitioning loot boxes into Overwatch 2, and ahead of launch, any unopened loot boxes will be automatically opened with your account receiving all the contents directly.”

…in the AMA they said currency will transfer over and lootboxes will auto unlock since they wont come over.

If anything, they may limit OW1 credit to OW1 cosmetics and have an exchange rate for OW2 credit. At a loss for players of course.

Yeah and that doesn’t mean they can use the currency for OW2 skins or things at all. It will most likely only allow you to buy the old OW1 items with it. Hence why the Watchpoint Pack specifically gives you a NEW type of currency called “OW2 Currency”

also I made my comment BEFORE the AMA answer, so no need to be rude. Hence why I edited it.

You missed my edit. I agree with oy on that point. And it’s not rude t point something out.

See the above

Typically, battle passes cost me £10 so this gives us a pretty good idea :slight_smile:


Question: “What will happen to lootboxes and the current currencies (credits, owl tokens, competitive points) once Overwatch 2 goes live? Will they just disappear?”
Answer: "Thanks for your question!

We’ll share a more detailed explanation on all of these topics before Overwatch 2 goes live in October. To give you a quick answer now though, those existing currencies (credits, OWL tokens, and competitive points) will come with you into Overwatch 2. We are not transitioning loot boxes into Overwatch 2, and ahead of launch, any unopened loot boxes will be automatically opened with your account receiving all the contents directly.

EDIT: clarified below as well that OW1 credits come with you to OW2, but our new virtual currency will be the main currency, and there will be things in OW2 that will not be purchasable with those OW1 credits."

I’m just happy they’re not going to waste.

Currently our coins can be used in the hero gallery. With OW2 the hero gallery will just be a gallery with no items purchasable. You will have to use the “store” for that. With the new virtual currency, you will use it in a “premium store” to buy Battle passes, Mythic skins and god knows what whatever they decide to put a price tag on. Think of WoW and how you can buy mounts with real money.

Agreed. I know some people with 100k, 200k, 300k of coin. Even at a tiny exchange rate they’d be set for quite some time.

It’s a tough one. I suspect they will just pull the bandage quick, and that coin will go away. Still, I think it will upset some of their longest supporters, who have stuck with the game from the start, and happen to have tons of coin, because they played, and play, tons of OW.

If it were me, I’d let it convert. BUT I’d make a skin for each character on the roster, or unique weapon skin, that cost a crap ton of coin 20k, 30k, 40k…something like that, to act as a coin sink for people with too much coin to spend on. Or a voice line set…something. Then old time players can have something to show for their dedication to OW. And the devs can deal with the coin stashes some players have in a fun way, where everyone is happy.

yatta yatta…