Over 500 games of arcade this week - ZERO wins

Maybe, depending on the mode

But still highly unlikely

especially since we are talking about Ethernyet who likes to grossly over-exaggerate things and make stuff up

Get this guy a detective jacket and badge.

We have a special one here.

EDIT: Jesus, some people are actually trying to use logic to disprove the possibility rather than common sense.

Ethernyet is a genius.

They count leaving as a loss

Over 500 games sounds impossible but if it’s true I am actually genuinely worried for your physical and mental health.
Are you ok OP?

they’ve been making this exact type of post for the last 6 years so…

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Btw he or she hasn’t added me ever yet. So

This will be my conclusion as well.

Btw he or she hasn’t added me ever yet

You can add me anytime. Like I’ve always said though, I don’t play on this account. Most of the time, like now, it’s because I can’t.

Over 500 games sounds impossible but if it’s true I am actually genuinely worried

I only do these marathon runs when I have time, such as spring break.

they’ve been making this exact type of post for the last 6 years

And in all that time I’ve yet to get ONE fair match. People love to pile on me because I’m hyperbolic and sometimes sarcastic, but they refuse to listen to my actual point because of their innate bias.

The matchmaker is utter and complete garbage AT BEST, but based on my experience it is PURPOSELY BUILT to do one thing and one thing only - ensure a complete and utter stomp. There are no “close” games for me in OW.

Regardless of game mode it’s an outright slaughter one way or the other. It’s just that in Arcade (which this thread is about), the slaughter ALWAYS goes in one direction.

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Post some replay codes so we can see the games you play

It’s not innate bias, you’re a liar lol

And if you’re not a liar, stop playing something you hate. It’s pretty simple.

You are pretty much saying that trying to play Overwatch is like trying to play “Global Thermonuclear War” from the movie War Games. And in that case, like the “Global Thermonuclear War” simulation, you should see that Overwatch is,

Maybe just admit defeat on this one, hang it up for good and try something else?

I guarantee that doing so will make:

  • You happy
  • All your random Overwatch teammates happy
  • All of us on the forums happy

And it will make all the smurfs expecting to get you for their opponent a little madder for having to work a little harder on all their games by not having you present for their free win and ego trip anymore!

Sure, you may have lost a little money on a game you can’t enjoy. But do yourself a favor and stop sinking even more time into it. You don’t owe it or Blizzard or the community any more of your personal free time nor need the stress it causes you by playing it. It’s not even the same game it once was when you first bought it. So it’s ok: just uninstall it and move on.

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I can smell an excuse of the likes “I can add you, but not on this account” sounding more like “I could add you, but I won’t”.

It’s up to you really now. I do not have access to your btag on supposedly “other account”.

I’m going to give you this an A+ despite the original post. Overwatch’s matchmaker needs some serious work because it doesn’t do much as it is right now to prevent one-sided games from occuring too often. That being said nothing is perfect, so there will always be a form of it no matter what. But I significantly doubt you can remotely lose this many games and not have at least 1 Win, unless you periodically throw or leave games before the end where things can be reversed.

And it’s arcade for a reason.

Anyways, happy Easter folks.

Made it almost to 1,000. Starting over this week. Already at 30.

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Even if your generous and split it over 7 days it would be just under 12 hours a day playing OW and always getting a match 10 minutes or less with no que times.

The vast majority of my games are under five minutes. That’s how unbalanced the matchmaker is.

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Archives and Junkenstein were in Arcade during that time. You couldn’t even win Archives or Junkenstein on Normal?


Nope, can’t even win those. Never even gotten close.

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The fact that 6 of the 12 people always win proves this is false.

You are literally lying. I can login and win several games of Mystery Heroes in a 2 hour time span.

Well duh, I"m talking about me not other people.

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I know your post with 100% toll but at least try to be funny about them next time.

Where is Jeff with his fact bombs to prove these post as all made up when we need him.

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