Other Mercy iterations?

In this interview

”In the end, Jeff points out that the team has “10 different fixes to try if this one doesn’t work out” and “[doesn’t] want Mercy to go away, but [doesn’t] want rez to define her.”

Can we know about some of those other iterations/fixes? It’s no secret a lot of Mercy players have a strong dislike for current Mercy, and it would be nice to know/try out the other fixes.

It would be nice for us to enjoy Mercy whilst having her balanced.




Although it would be fun to know what the other ideas were, current mercy was probably the best idea they had out of the bunch. Current Mercy did “work out”, so I doubt we’ll be seeing the other iterations.

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The other iterations could “work out” as well, whilst providing a more fun experience for the Mercy player.

Let’s not forget 1.x Mercy was balanced but they reworked her because anti fun and poor playstyle encouragement.


Honestly whenever Jeff starts talking about Mercy I just don’t listen. :confused:
He has the mentality of ‘All Mercy mains hide and rez’ and that just threw me off.


I’m curious as well. Why did they run with Valk, an ultimate they discarded for Res, and not give her something new?

Are all the other versions of Mercy they tried worse than spectator mode and pretend you’re a statue?

What gives?

I too am curious. Let’s hear it dev team :slight_smile:

~Sincerely Yours xoxo,
a Lover of True, Fair, and Fun Balance.



You just read what you wanted from that interview didn’t you?


There were certain moments where Mercy would drop off, knowing it was the right thing to do (she could bring you and four of your buddies back in a smart play), but it felt wrong for everybody else…

Not anti fun, just counter intuitive for everyone but the mercy player, in all honesty this is a nice way of saying how stupid it was to see Mercy simply running away when sh*t hit the fan

Huh? I wasn’t trying to reference mass rez.

I was talking about another iteration of current Mercy.

That’s like us complaining that a Pharah was flying under a bridge to get behind enemy lines and STOP DEALING DAMAGE to get a better ultimate off. In this case heroes like Junkrat Pharah Reaper McCree would need new ultimates because it’s counter intuitive that they need to stop dealing damage in order to get into a better position for a better ultimate.


I had the same expression when I read that from the interview. Like… Wait a second…

Mercy: Known for her iconic res…

“We don’t want res to define her.”


Does not compute…

~Sincerely Yours xoxo,
a Lover of True, Fair, and Fun Balance.

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I like this more.

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Thanks! I threw it together a few minutes ago. The expression on her face was too good not to pass up :smile:

~Sincerely Yours xoxo,
a Lover of True, Fair, and Fun Balance.

Worked out after 11 nerfs and toning down her character to the point her whole kit is messed up and contraditory? I don’t call this something that worked out. But I guess Blizzard do, since they don’t know what to do in this game anymore.

Yet they nerf every single aspect of her making Res the only valuable thing about her.
They are so hypocritical, I just can’t.

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I love throwing memes together for the forums.

Res got hella-nerfed from the initial rework.

Or are you so fixated on Mercy’s “fun” factor that you’re ignoring the fact that actual balance amongst healers is the closest to parity that we’ve ever been?

And still is stronger than her ultimate.

Yes, I am. Because I did not ask for this rework, and the reason of this rework was fun. Because lots of players would just cry about Mercy instead of trying to counter her. She wasn’t perfect, but could be countered.
What’s the point of making everybody balanced if one of the characters is boring as hell. I guess the point of playing a game is to have fun. But Blizzard don’t listen to Mercy players anyway, so screw it.

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Proceeds to make Rez the only strong ability in her kit. To a point, in which she is really only picked for res