Orisa is literally killing the game

How? because tank players are leaving

tanks players leaving = longer queue times = people stop playing.

I’ve noticed, at peak times on weekends my queue times as solo queue dps have been crazy and I’m in silver on dps, now yes, dps is the mots popular role, but I don’t remember it being this bad.

She’s so boring to play against that tank players are leaving in droves and it’s resulted in her literally now killing the game.

How long do we have to wait until she’s nerfed already?


I’d say they are moving rather than leaving. I’ve become a DPS because I’m so tired of Orisa (and Mauga some days). These tanks make tanking pretty unfun and having orisa in so many games makes me want to just quit. But I’m finding some fun in DPS.

Problem is that if tank players move to DPS then the DPS queues will just keep getting longer.


That’s true, either stop playing or move to playing other roles.

I actually used to queue as tank and dps.

But now I only queue dps because I’m not playing against Orisa anymore

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There are literally dozens of things killing the game before Orisa.


Since this thread is about Orisa, I’ll share an idea that I am trying to spread around: Orisa could use a (almost) full revert.

We could readjust Halt, replace spin with her barrier and replace Terra with Supercharger. We make sure we don’t bring back that slowdown when firing and thats it, she should be golden.

In my honest opinion it is better and more fun than leaving her as she is. I strongly believe Sigma should have gotten the rework, not Orisa, and it would be a good time to fix what was done to her.

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They need to revert her fall-off removal.


Perhaps, but other aspects of her kit should take priority, imho.

Tank players are leaving because counterwatch, not cause orisa is meta. Nobody enjoys trashing ults to counter swap 30 times a game, but that’s how you play tank these days.


There is no O on 5v5

So you spelled the problem wrong.

Orisa has existed longer than 5v5. A bunch of other dev decisions and upper management decisions have also killed ow’s chance to grow the playerbase.

But when Orisa wasn’t meta, Tank role had issues. Primarily only having one tank.

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As a tank main - there are other things far more “frustrating” to me than orisa to deal with.

My frustration stems largely from the amount of CC outside the tank role.


Tanks are leaving cause fhe role is terrible, unfun to play and badicslly jist counterwatch… not because if Orisa lol

Leave my battle cattle alone!


So is Ball now. Super easy to play, literally never dies. Commonly goes 0 deaths an entire match because he’s so evasive + adaptive shields.
Even if he’s not that deadly, his disruption is absolutely insane, more than any character in the game, and he is unpunishable unless you go FULL counter into him. He is extremely unfun and awful to play against. They need to remove adaptive shields entirely, give him nothing in return.

Even if they nerfed Orisa tanking would still suck. There would just be the next meta tank, over and over again.

If they want tanks to have some semblance of balance, 6v6 needs to come back


I agree tanking in 5v5 will always feel worse than in 6v6.

But it would feel a whole lot better if Rein was in every match vs Orisa, no matter what she always makes the game more boring when she’s strong.

I don’t think it matters in Silver. Even Rein can work there.

You can make this argument for almost half the heroes in the game now, Orisa is absolutely fine, tanks need to be on her level or DPS/Supports need nerfing before Orisa is touched

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A simple fix to Orisa is to just simply replace her armor with HP and add a bit more to compensate.

The whole reason why she’s such a brick wall is because the armor + fortified basically makes her take near zero damage which she then just cycles through with javelin spin if needed.

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I hate the Horse as well, but she’s just a symptom of the main problem. In 5v5 there are only two possible metas for tanks:

  1. Mirror Meta - One tank is clearly the best so both tanks play them. Right now that’s Orisa, it was Mauga on his release.
  2. Counterswap Meta - If the tanks are fairly balanced, both tanks will just start counterpicking each other. Ex: Dva beats Winston, Winston Beats Zarya, Zarya beats Dva. Tank ultimate aren’t that impactful so more often than not it’s better for you to constantly just counterpick whatever the other tank is after every death.

These have been the ONLY two metas we’ve seen so far and they’re both miserable to play as tank. Whether you love 5v5 or not, you have to admit that it’s been nothing but bad for tank.

No! Your battle cow can go to the slaughter house and become my burgers. I’m tired of seeing people go Orisa when they start losing.

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