Orisa is kinda sluggish

Nice one Sherlock! But if u look at blizzards philosophy they kinda want to make characters Jack of all trades which is kinda counter productive wouldn’t you say?

Because she’s the bunker tank.

Nice one wattson -.-

Well, it’s true.
She’s designed to enable stationary comps.
You all anchor behind the Orisa’s shield, no?
She’s designed to hold her ground. Her being slow is the tradeoff.

The jacks of all trades usually gets hit the hardest with the nerf bat.
Brigitte, d.va etc.

Soldiers pre good Rn n sigma isn’t a throw pick

They have to be actually good first.
Soldier was bad for very long (maybe still is idk) and sigma will get what is coming for him if anyone actually plays him.

Nah soldier is my second most played (my elo is 3.6-3.7 Rn) and he stomps rn

N sigmas shield is super week so I don’t they’d nerf it plus he can’t accretion combo

But hes still not bad
Same with dva idk why u used her as a point tbh. I wish they’d revert her middle dmg tho and nerf her somewhere as oneshot ting people used to be so cool as a tank