Orisa has a 0.06% Pickrate in GM

With a 37.5% winrate to top it off.

Both of these values are LOWER than Bastion in GM who’s currently 0.08% with 54.55% winrate

Just sayin.


Good for GM, isn’t Orisa like the most boring Tank to play for the best players in the game?


boring or not that is not a healthy % for ANY hero


GM/Top500 can make everything borings, i mean during dive meta , streamers were crying about the Meta and how it was annoying and all

Plus “boring” is suggestive tought…

I had more fun playing pony girl than the german shield bot


Honestly, I’d think Zarya was the most boring tank, she’s mind numbingly simple.


that is very good sign for health of the game to say the least probably some more changes and it will be actually fun again.

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At least Zarya doesn’t get stuck in 1 spot, every other tank’s gameplay has much more fluid and depth than Orisa.


Orisa is boring from bronze to GM, no one needs to go out of their way to make her more boring than she already is.


That’s your opinion, I find Orisa a lot more fun to play vs Reinhardt


Says who ? Mcmercee ? Yeah thats a good measure for fun, no thanks, 0.06 is not good for any hero


Yeah I agree with this. She doesn’t really have any skill outside maybe sniping a Pharah out of the sky with Alt fire (one you know where to aim, long range gravs aren’t hard to pull of either)

It’s all about tracking and bubble management.

Don’t know but I and over half my friends loved playing her.

You can be incredibly clever with her barrier. Bait tactics, blocking healing, shield dancing.

Aiming and leading her weapon well is incredibly satisfying and WILL melt people with consecutive headshots.

She has many different play styles from aggressive Orisa, Sniper Orisa, and the rare and not to be underestimated flanker Orisa.

Her Ult can also be used many ways. A stall (drop it early before a team engages and they will wait it out or be overly catious), bait (place it to the side and force the enemy to choose between killing it or killing you), and the occasional body block-Charge/Fist stopper Ult. The normal “have at em boi” usage is pretty funny too.

Halt also was more fun before the nerf where you could waterfall squishies (pull them up and kill them as they are stuck in a free fall) but that ability has been more or less removed due to the length restriction.

Long story short, yeah. She is a lot of fun and has a real “stand your ground” feel to her.


Yeah, it’s only my opinion, you are free to turn a blind eye to the general consensus of the majority.


Definitely not the majority. But go on


We need to shift Orisa’s power into her shield and away from Fortify. Let’s start with 30% DR and 700 HP shield, move from there if need be.

Weird, I’m pretty sure the tank players in plat and below as well as QP always avoids Orisa like plagues even during her meta, but what do I know right.


You probably stole all the Orisa mains in the game. I have zero friend on OW actually like to play Orisa at all, most of the tanks I know are Dva, Rein, and Hog.

And what you described about Orisa, every other tank has it in spade too. FlankHog, Shield Dance Winston, Aggressive Rein, DPS Zarya ect. The thing is, other Tanks bring the fight to the enemy, while Orisa has to wait for someone to come for her, if it’s not down right boring I don’t know what is.


It’s not even limited to GM.

For this week, Orisa is the bottom pick in ALL ranks above Gold.

In Gold, she finally overtakes Bastion and is 2nd lowest picked.

She’s not even in the Dumpster… She IS the dumpster.


You probably won’t believe me, but it’s very healthy for the average/low rank. At least will you agree with me in those ranks an Orisa shield is still better than a Hammond or even Hog or Winston who would go yolo 1v6 and feed? But those ranks only play what is fun for them, not what the team needs. Orisa low pick rate at least justifies those fun tanks over a shield and stop the team from tilting even before getting out of spawn.


Someone mentioned orisa On here just the other day…her win rate was 25%…

So in a few days it’s gone up 12%

I just look at these numbers and toss them out to be honest…(Just like how people toss out when sym has a stupid high win rate in the past) don’t think she’s being played enough to get any real sense of where she is

It’s like they made her the Symmetra or Bastion of the tank category