Orisa Buff needed?

I think it would though. Double barrier is currently still a viable comp. Not the best, not amazing, but it’s okay. So if you buff orisa it will become really annoying again. Half is still one of the best CCs in the game, the nerf is barely noticable to me. so I think they can buff barrier if you nerf halt. Also don’t forget she has 450hp now.

Ah yes, everlasting conflict who is this game for. Majority of players who are casuals or only those 1% on top of food chain. Thing is if they went “only hardcore skillz playerz allowed” they would wind up as Lawbreakers. They need to be mindful about casuals because they keep this game alive. On other hand they shouldnt balance game around opinion of guys that plays this gane once a week for few hours. But every voice matters.

Devs stated they take pros input while balancing but mostly they do it because they think it is nesscessery. They dont listen to us, they never did. And I need to remind you that Mercy rework that pushed game into chaos and must pick moth was 1% idea and their supporters.

This is plain stupid thing to say dude… Tells why they should not listen to you nor other forum plebs cause you just whine & whine & whine till the heroes you dislike are nerfed to the ground. It’s what happened with least 2-3/5 of the roster we currently have atm.

But hey, you do you & act ignorant.

She definitely needs a shield buff. It’s hot garbage and the state she is in is terrible. You are forced to play double shield with her because she can’t operate without a second shield now

Just give Orisa a shield cooldown reduction to 7s.

If that thing is so disgustingly weak and immobile, it should at least be up frequently.

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Ugh, seems like you didnt understood anything I wrote and acted ignorant. Oh irony.

First - I dont say they should listen to all sugestions. Sure there are ton of stupid people who go “Nurf this! Delete that!” but there are also few resonable people with right ideas. For example Bastion Ironclad - when was 35% on ptr people alarmed it is too stong. It got pushed anyway and nerfed week later.

Second - no need to get personal. I am one of few people who actually don’t whine. Heck I even didnt mind release Briggy.

I think Orisa bullets need to travel faster.

If she needs something, it’s small.

I think Fortify on resource would be best but otherwise a slight buff to damage (through raw damage, speed, or spread doesn’t matter) or less movement penalty.

I don’t believe an extra 100hp or 150hp would do much for the barrier. They’ve already pushed her towards brawl and pretty much made bunker not a thing. No sense in trying to get a buff that probably won’t make an appreciable difference in how fast barrier is destroyed. And any talk of buffing barrier hp at all does further increase the possibility of double barrier. That’s why trying to lower her barrier cooldown also seems pointless because she would ultimately still be getting more barrier…maybe bringing back double barrier.

So I think just leave barrier as is and try elsewhere. Barrier still does its job if you’re playing smart and the enemy doesn’t have a good Rein.

Orisa is very very good and can be paired with all the other tanks(kinda bad with Zarya though)
If you want to touch her I would nerf or rebalance instead of a straight buff.

Every time I try Orisa I end up asking myself why I even tried. She sucks, badly.

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She was very, very good.
Then they nerfed her shield, halt & fortify

I know all that but just watch her be perma played in the finals of the latest OWL tournament, paired with Sigma who is supposedly another once good tank but now unplayable after the nerfs.
The hero isn’t the hardest to play so if the pro players take a lot of value out of her, it means she has serious tools and enables some super strong compostions. In that case, buffing her “for fun” seems irresponsible if you ask me.

Or just make it so Sigma/Orisa is weak at close range.

✅ Fixing BarrierTanks and OffTanks

I mean, they kind of are.

Double shields was actually when the tanks were most balanced.

This was at the height of doubleshield. Not much of a meta when she wasn’t even a must pick.


Orisa may have the highest win rate, but the other tanks were also getting decent pick and win rates because she wasn’t getting mirrored. She wasn’t even the most picked.

Then they nerfed her and ended up with this


Only Reinhardt and Zarya were viable. You either picked Rein/Zar or you’re throwing. Pretty much every other tanks pick and win rates were in the negative.

More players are complaining about the meta now because back then, META only applied to the absolute top, but now everyone from bronze to GM are meta locked after nerfing Orisa.

Like actually vulnerable.

I.e. 350hp each, 20% resist on Fortify, 1sec duration Grasp,
And no Mei throwing up slows/walls to Peel.

I think the real killer with the Rein Zarya meta is that it only gets stronger in low rank and less serious games. So the meta is ironclad in plat and below and is even felt in QP.

The issue is that Orisa synergizes with Sigma like mom does with dad. When I first heard about the concept of Sigma I instantly knew that he would be really good with Orisa as I kinda mained her at some point in the game. This is also why Sigma has been the worst addition overall to the game IMO despite being a really enjoyable tank to play. Tank meta was really top notch before him and all they had to do back then was bring fortify to 40% and nerf her pull range slightly since Pull+Hook was strong at the time. If those changes were made without Sigma’s release we would have tons of more tank players and the tank meta would be in a really healthy state overall especially since we could’ve avoided balancing the game around him at the expense of other tanks

Just divorce them then revert the changes

I’d be more than happy to remove Sigma from the game and reverting the tank changes (D.va/Winston aside) to what they used to be with minor tweaks to Orisa or just reworking Sigma in a way where he doesn’t have a barrier but some other defensive ability that would be good as an off-tank since he could easily fit into that role with the damage output he has. If he was that way from the beginning and didn’t degenerate the whole role for half a year we would have a much better main tank playerbase