Orange Dot on account

EDIT: Solved. Had a notification telling me that my support ticket has been answered. (Even though i read that message yesterday.)

Top-Right corner

I have no idea how to access whatever this is referencing. Can someone help, please?

I think it means you’re set to “away” on Battlenet

I’ve set myself to Busy(red) which is probably your problem.

Don’t know how. Haven’t been on the computer at all today.

You probably did this on your PC, the setting stays that way permanently until changed.

You have a notification linked to your battlenet account somewhere.

I’d say open in a browser and login.

I had one a while back, but I don’t remember what it was.


Ah ok. This is probably it then. I’m not used to having these pop up. I just started OW on PC and I use the forums on my phone.

You might have an open support ticket.


I used to have that too and I had it for the longest time until like a few days ago or maybe even today.

I got it after being banned for the first time and it didn’t go away for like months even though I read all of the tickets. Weird