Option to NEVER backfill

As much as I’d love it, it will never happen. Games would never backfill, meaning the team that lost a player will instantly be handicapped.

It should be an option for dps players. Tanks and supports should not have the option for extremely obvious reasons.

Imagine everyone had this option on.
You load a game, someone leaves, since almost everyone has this option on no one will be subtituted for your leaver. You stay 5v6 the whole game.
Are you crazy? Did you really not think this through?

If you don’t want backfill, play comp.

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It would actually just help queue times for people who did not turn it off which would make qp playable.

I think that their “solution” is a patch-work fix that doesn’t adresse the issue that causes back-fill to be required in the first place.

People have said that the MM system needs an overhaul, especially for QP. This has been an issue for years but they haven’t done anything about it. Back-filling becomes necessary when the core system isn’t working properly.

Most of the time I won’t even bother staying if I’m backfilling, I don’t care if I get penalized or have a longer waiting time - I’m not going to backfill with 1 min left and 0% ult charge.

Yeah… if the bots were better then, it wouldn’t be, but…

That will increase quick play queue times by a marginal amount. Rather, they should automatically disable backfill in certain situations (less than 1 minute left on match, capture point on 80%+ on a team that already scored once before, payload very near the final checkpoint, etc.)

Okay but then think about it this way: You’re in a match, you lose the first part of a map, whether its the point on Numbani, or first point Hanamura. One or two people on your team rage quit, and because there’s no one to backfill, you go the rest of the match, however long or short it may be, 1 or 2 people down.

There’s no right answer to this issue beyond harsher penalties for leaving. What I would suggest is preventing people from re queuing for another match, while the match they left is still ongoing.

I say boost the bonus for backfill. Either 1.5k xp, a box per game, or like 100 coins?
Better than what we get now at least.

On top of a default backfill reward, a back fill victory reward should be implemented to provide initiative for the backfiller.

This will definitely spice things up match-wise especially when team with the leaver is usually losing at the point.

Or simply just leave the game. It’s the devs fault for not doing anything about it

The issue is, then, that people who get a leaver in their games will be severely disadvantaged.

It would be like comp. Someone leaves, and the game becomes irredeemable.

Give us an option to not be matched with low - level players in Comp as well (high queue times is a sacrifice I and I’m sure tons of people are more than willing to make) and the game will automatically become 10X better…

I’d gladly wait longer in queue if it meant I never had to backfill into the defeat screen again.

100 coins? For a game that ended in like 10 seconds? On top if the 25 you get? We already need a gold sink, but that would make it so that we REALLY need a gold sink.

It’s pretty intresting enough that I only backfill when I solo q, it never happened when you queue with other players.

To remove backfilling they would have to actually punish leavers outside of competitive.

And for some reason that only Blizzard knows they don’t want to do that :woman_shrugging:

They should prioritise leavers as backfillers. If they leave those often enough they should get higher and higher priority until they are basically only backfilling.

Not that surprising though since generally it is 1 player that leaves a game so 1 player is needed to backfill. Even if you were a group of 2, the leavers would have to match your chosen roles to pull you in to backfill. Seems unlikely to ever happen.

There should be.